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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. HaHa!! No - I honestly didn't mean anything by commenting, other than to show that the 'Saint' motif had been used before. The Sunderland Jacket was Red with a White 'Saint'. My memory, not so reliable these days, tells me that the Scunthorpe Jacket was Light Blue with a White 'Saint'? Just for my own interest (and sanity) can anyone confirm that please?
  2. It was also a direct copy of the Sunderland 'Saints' Race Jacket of 1964. Different colours I believe - but the basic design was the same. http://www.sunderlandspeedway.co.uk/stats/1964/1964_Season.html Scroll down to the photograph near the bottom.
  3. Belle Vue Ace of Clubs for me. The one inside the white triangle: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=belle+vue+speedway+race+jackets+1960&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFjN24g9HSAhUrK8AKHQ8iA10QsAQIKQ&biw=1440&bih=767
  4. My first Meeting was on 21st April 1964. Sunderland 'Saints' against Newcastle 'Diamonds'. I have been hooked ever since. That was also my first ever sight of Ivan Mauger - he scored a Maximum that night. Sadly though, Sunderland went down to a 32-44 (CH) - for the 'Saints' Jim Airey scored 9 Points, Graham Coombes and Maury McDermott scored 6. http://www.sunderlandspeedway.co.uk/stats/1964/1964_Season.html
  5. Unfortunately!! I totally agree on this one Aces51. What our Sport needs is reliability and consistancy. You just don't get that from the Poles. It is mostly not their fault but it is the fault of their Federation.
  6. Thank you for your kind offer ch958. I am, at the moment, planning to come down to see the Meeting when a Sunderland 'Stars' Team is on display.
  7. I can't agree with that. We have a beautiful new Stadium and probably the Country's best Track. Yes - there have been problems - but in the end British Speedway will, hopefully, benefit to a tremendous extent.
  8. Let's hope that Kevin and his Team are rewarded for all of their effort. :approve:
  9. Sign of a misspent youth steve. :unsure:
  10. It would be useful to know.................
  11. That would be a great Team Hyderd. Would have the rest of the Division worried anyway.
  12. Aaahhhhh but Gemini - there is only one April Fools Day a year.
  13. Not too worried about what terminology they use GC - just as long as there is a long term future for Belle Vue 'Aces'.
  14. No Track here - but one could be fitted in: Sunderland Greyhound Stadium East Boldon, Sunderland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunderland_Greyhound_Stadium Good luck. :)
  15. Many a true word spoken in jest tyretrax. :rofl:
  16. It made me laugh anyway..................................... :rofl: I could answer that - but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
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