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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I too started reading the Weekly Speedway Star and Monthly Speedway Post in 1964. I agree with you 100% about the standards of the English Language falling. The Writers you mention were, all of them, top Journalists in their field. Sadly these days it seems that anyone can pen an Article. The Speedway Star is not alone in this either. The daily newspapers are very poor in this regard too. The BBC use of standard English seems to have gone out of the window too. .............................. and they call this - progress.
  2. Very interesting Tsunami. I had no idea about any of that. :approve: Cheers for the info.
  3. Very sad and disappointing. Could someone not speak to the Council regarding a Plaque for the Speedway too. City of Culture and all that. Just an idea....
  4. Now you come to mention it......................................... so do I. Never thought of that. I preferred the Cowboy Films myself though. Great days.
  5. There is that World War One airman's helmet again.
  6. R.I.P. Kevin I remember watching Kevin race when he raced for West Ham.
  7. I used to like Speedway Mail and Speedway Star on the weekly front. As for the Monthlies - Speedway Post and Speedway Express were my favourites. These days Classic Speedway and Backtrack are my favourites - I have all of them to date and I have all of the Vintage Speedway Magazines too.
  8. Agreed - had it not been for Badge - I would not have known about the other Thread.
  9. I used to like Davey Watt. Was a very good Rider in his day.
  10. Not unlike the headgear worn by some World War One RFC aircrew (Observers). See here: https://www.google.com/search?q=rfc+pilot/observer+headgear&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinif6P88LTAhWiF8AKHcy2COcQ7AkINg&biw=1440&bih=767#imgrc=VoO-jqEN0WWZZM:
  11. Thank you for that Badge - I will do that. I don't visit that Section but I will now.
  12. Very good word that, where Tactical Substitutes or Tactical Rides are concerned. Tacky!! I wish I had thought of that Paulco. :approve:
  13. Does anyone have an update on Tomasz's condition please. Keep fighting Tomasz.
  14. I think there is a fair bit of merit in that suggestion. I can't see any down side.
  15. One or two of the names here are great. Buster Breaks for example.
  16. Mmmmm - He said they could get rid of Double Points - they didn't. Not such a good job after all.
  17. I hope you are right Tsunami. At the moment as far as British Speedway is concerned - the only way is up!!
  18. Jason Crump and Nicki Pedersen fighting for last place so they could play their 'Joker' ( :rofl: :rofl: ) if I remember correctly. I could be wrong about the reason - but it was definitely those two Riders and it was in the World Cup. Pathetic really.
  19. The Gospel according to the Forum Sage. :rofl: :rofl:
  20. It certainly would have been a rip roaring ride Sidney. He did a great job at Ipswich and I am sure he would have done a great job for British Speedway. Sadly it wasn't to be and I, for one, believe that we are suffering today because of lack of foresight all those years ago. I have read John Berry's excellent 'Confessions' Books and I admire his honesty, which may, in the end have supported Humphrey's view about him falling out with people. It should be said that he may not have done though. I still often wonder how British Speedway would have fared had he (John Berry) taken the job on. *I can highly recommend John Berry's Books to anybody interested in the History of British Speedway. Not sure if they are still available - but I got mine directly from 'BackTrack' if I remember correctly.
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