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British Speedway Forum

The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. How will this effect a Rider's recourse to the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund? If these Tracks are independent, and free of of official Speedway Promotors influence, would they still qualify?. I think questions like thiis need to be asked. Insurance etc. too.
  2. One night, years ago now, we attended a Crewe 'Kings' Reunion. When we we were returning from the Function, we shared a taxi with 'Taffy' Owen and Pete Kelly. I have never laughed so much in my life. The stories they told were so funny. I will ever remember that trip in the taxi with fondness and appreciation. Thanks for the memories. Two great lads. May they both Rest in Peace. +
  3. Lucky you. I'm not the only one on here who has had problems. In the interests of fairness though, I have had no trouble for a couple of days now. Let's just hope it is fixed.
  4. I just thought I would try to enter the Site before logging off for the night. I was successful this time. Is it fixed? I don't know. I like to think I am fair.
  5. If that is the case, then how is it that it works one day, and not the next. Surely if it was an update it would , in a professional world, be preceded by a warning from the Site that the update was taking place. Nothing like that here. Just some people having problems, and some people not - that doesn't look like an update to me. Imagine if the main FIFA Website was behaving like this what an outcry there would be. Speedway purports to be a professional Sport - surely it's method of communications to it's customers (Fans) should be capable of maintaining a Website that is fit for purpose on all Browsers. If I took my car in for an MOT - I would be a bit peeved if the Test took two or three weeks to complete the Test.
  6. Tried to access Site today. Been fine all weekend, thought it was fixed - obviously isn't, as, once again I am unable to get on. This isn't going to encourage any new prospective Speedway Supporters is it? It may well put off a few, including those like myself, whose only contact with Speedway these days is the Website or the Television. Come on SGB - it looks amateurish - sort it out!!
  7. I think the initial Post is good one. I totally agree with it.
  8. I too am using Chrome. I too am having great difficulty entering the Site. This has only happened, for me, over the last couple of weeks. Not a great advert for the Sport. What is going on? PS: Thanks for the tip uk_martin. I will try another browser. PPS: Didn't work there either.
  9. As a member of The National Trust for Scotland - I get an OAP Price for my subscription.
  10. Sad to see the demise of my favourite magazines. I have read all of them from back to front. I do get other periodicals that I read the parts that interest me. The thing about Backtrack and Classic Speedway was that I read every single word. I will miss them very much - but - I do have every single copy of both to look back on, and, that at least is a great compensation. Thanks to Tony, Susie et al for all their hard work, they can be very proud of how their Magazines have enterained us over the years. In a very real sense I can say - - -- 'THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES'.
  11. Superb Book. A most impressive tome. Looks good on my bookshelves too. It is really well worth getting for Christmas. Very highly recommended.
  12. R.I.P. + Gavin. My condolences to Family and friends.
  13. Great innovation - if this is the only way forward to ensure the future of Speedway - I'm all for it. Tiimes change, and so, sadly, must we. I would, of course, miss the noise, as I already miss the smell.
  14. Not surprised about this - I have been expecting it. Another historic Speedway Team down the swannee. I am desperately sorry for all those faithful 'Robins' fans. It is truly gut wrenching. I llike what they have written in their Statement, but in this current financial crisis in the Country, sadly I can't see it happening. I so very much hope that I am wrong.
  15. I was browsing e--bay when I came across this. I was immediately suspicious as to their validity: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314134739717?hash=item4923e3bb05:g:iUUAAOSwdnNjFnbi&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsPM%2FEZKjcIn59TekxUz%2FaAhUg6e7EndMWnP%2B%2FssudEjRYxj8H%2BKgCTRZjnN47VDe%2FNyvujWSHpiNMPJRRZhScOBJ0K4RpPhJLOn%2B0zsX%2BLNei%2FJ6v4osrs0HuDVzEHWwcH4SJTVm5vQ4RoWrPuo9sZh9CXTCF35wogc4b4mlFeIXO1ixoaTgKj2WDkRPVEGE52w6EkDopJkJosOUSkcn4i4WJ0iqKGwC1YaCGeDlKsJs|tkp%3ABk9SR5L076XvYA PLAYER CIGARETTE CARD SET - SPEEDWAY RIDERS (1937) - 50 CARD SET - EX/CON. Ex-Con. - what's that all about?
  16. I think this should be a friendly Forum. I know I have had a few problems with some folk in the past. I sincerely hope that I didn't bully anyone and if anyone feels I did, then I apologise to them. When I see an elderly gentleman being harassed, and to use your expression, having the piss taken out of him, I have the right not to agree and to say so. Has it ever occurred to you that John may be the same as me - suffering from memory problems. I don't know if he is or not, but it is possible and isn't nice.
  17. Sadly the unpleasantness goes on. I confirms to me why I don't bother very much any more. Sad really.
  18. I'm fine apart from arthritis thanks. Hope you and yours are well too ch958. Yes, I have seen tthe houses - sadly I suspect that may be the end of the road for the 'Robins'. Personally, I think it is a bloody disgrace.
  19. Me too Steve, all to sadly, nothing out of the normal though.
  20. Tony says he is in talks - we must await the result. Fingers crossed.
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