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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I couldn't agree more with this statement.
  2. Yes, I remember them well. There were some juicy battles between those two. I had a lot of time for Jack. Not so much Frank though, I'm trying to be charitable here. πŸ˜‰
  3. Sorry, I misunderstood. 😳 Age, I reckon.πŸ˜‰
  4. Leave Jack out of this. He rode for Sunderland 'Stars' and, therefore, could not be dirty. πŸ˜‰ Hard, yes, but not dirty. πŸ™‚
  5. All signed up. πŸ‘ Very best wishes for the future (hopefully) of Swindon Speedway. πŸ™‚
  6. I must admit that I very much enjoy Classic Speedway Memories. πŸ‘ A great read. πŸ‘
  7. I find it very strange that after 17,890 odd Posts - I am ranked as a 'Newbie'. πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€£
  8. Sunderland. Perfect for Speedway. Nothing, as far as I know, to prevent Speedway returning as the Greyhound Stadium is still there and much improved to what it was in the '60s and '70s. I would very much doubt whether any Promoters would be interested - but - the Stadium is there.
  9. I have just found this page. I have lodged my objection.
  10. Very sad. R.I.P. + Reg.
  11. I knew Vic through the World Speedway Riders Association. He was a very good friend to us when we joined. My sincere condolences go to his Family and his many Friends. I am very saddened by this news. R.I.P. + Vic.
  12. That made me smile anyway....................... Am I bitter - YUP!!!!!
  13. Very sad news. I remember him riding at Sunderland. My condolences go to his Family and friends. R.I.P. +
  14. I would have liked to have 'Like'd this Post. Unfortunately, for some reason, I can't. I've been unable to for months, despite reporting it.
  15. Ahhh yes!!! 1964 - The year Sunderland 'Saints' got 'stuffed' by their own Promoters'. Never forget - never forgive either.
  16. ο»Ώ29 - Johnο»Ώ Boulger - 18/06/19ο»Ώ45. First one younger than me.
  17. There are quite a few of us suffering from that particular malady.
  18. TPTV is a must watch station on the TV. I record 'the Footage Detectives' every week. There are some great old Programmes to watch. I do most of my recording on this Channel, LOVE IT.
  19. Chris116 When I said "I wanted to 'Like' the Post" I wanted to but the Forum wont let me for some reason. When I clicked on 'Liking' Technic's Post above this one, I get a Heart with a black cross to the right of it. That is why I posed as I did.
  20. Good question. I wanted to 'Like' this Post - I can't.
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