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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I came across this a while back: http://speedwayinmemoriam.yolasite.com EDIT: I have just noticed as I Posted that this 'Link' is at the bottom of Chunky's Posts.
  2. No less a luminary than Barry Briggs, has castigated 'Lay Downs'. He reckons they are dangerous and I agree with him.
  3. I don't see what more you could do from your Statement. I wish you all the very best of luck, and sincerely hope that your efforts are successful.
  4. And there's the rub. As regards running when you like - that would also be under the Rules of the Council as they always have stipulations on things like this. Curfews etc.
  5. That let's me out then......................... :sad:
  6. Nigel is just trying to give as much information to the Viewer as he can.
  7. Age has nothing to do with it. I know when I saw a Team of Riders - and I know when I see a group of Riders. I watched Team Speedway years ago - nowadays you watch whoever the Promoter can get in and put out in front of you. The 'Team' (in it's true sense) ethic has gone from the Sport, and the Public, the Customers, are recognizing this and are not buying it. No it won't - how can you build up Team Spirit and Camaraderie when you have different Riders in your so-called Team every week? The answer is you can't.
  8. Absolutely Spot On!!!!! That is what is missing now, 'our Riders' - nowadays they are anybodies Riders. Unless the Authorities cotton on to this, ultimately Speedway is finished.
  9. It probably has to be in order to actually control the 'Rocket Ships' they are riding these days.
  10. I would only add to that - so must Double Points - if Speedway wants to have a shred of credibility. Sadly credibility, at present, is something the Sport just does not have. I have supported Speedway for over Fifty Years now - I no longer attend solely because of Double Points - and now we have this Double Up and Double Down which does absolutely nothing to encourage me to return. As Tigerowl says, and I have said in the past, people want to watch their own TEAM - not elements of someone else's. Injury/Illness/International Appearances, for me, would be the only permitted ways of being allowed to use Rider Replacement. Unless the Speedway Authorities rediscover what Promoters years ago appreciated, and that is the fact that Speedway is a Team Sport and and that Teams/Riders expect, rightfully, loyalty from their Supporters. They also need to remember - it is a two way thing, Supporters expect loyalty from their Team/Riders. It is not something that you can reach out and touch, it is an intangible thing a sense of it being our very own Team. That is the way I see it anyhow.
  11. Well let's hope that Craig Cook will do as well as that other real BRITISH Rider in the series - I somehow doubt it. Tai Woffinden comes from Scunthorpe - you can't get any more REAL BRITISH than that.
  12. Personally, I will wait until any Official News comes out.
  13. You may have a point here regarding different Countries - but as for media coverage it is virtually none existant these days, sadly. There was loads more media coverage in the 60's/70's. I still believe my statement about more injuries these days to be true though. It has to be said that I cannot prove it - but that is my honest belief.
  14. I think that must be the explanation RD. :rofl:
  15. Mostly the Bikes though. You are asking Riders to perform on 1928 Tracks, in some cases, on 'Rocket Ships' compared to the Bikes of years ago. There are far more injuries these days than ever I can remember. Most of them caused by the Bikes. We need to go back a bit and use Bikes that are more compatible to the Tracks we have today. Two Valve Uprights could be the answer. Awaits flak.
  16. Thank you Jacques - I didn't know that. By the sounds of things he'll give Holder a Medal.
  17. I hate to admit this Jacques - but I have never heard of him.
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