I am so pleased that we got something out of the Season. Top of the League (really Champions) - and - Cup Winners - I'll settle for that. :approve:
Hard luck Ipswich - All the best for next Season.
Just found out I am unable to get to the Meeting this evening. Son currently at Hospital.
Very best wishes to the 'Diamonds' tonight. Hope we can get the Silverware.
A safe Meeting to ALL Riders.
I never fail to be amazed at how much knowledge there is about Speedway out there. I am also very impressed with the way Speedway people try to help each other out with information etc. I think it is a GREAT credit to our Sport that folk are prepared to go to such lengths.
For the second time in two days (I'm Posting the following) - I am so pleased that I chose to follow Speedway as a young man - it WAS like that then - it IS like that now. Long may it be so.
Thank you Steve for confirming that.
Is it FINAL then or are negotiations still ongoing?
I am dreadfully sorry to hear about these problems.
Plymouth Supporters do not need this. They turned up at Newcastle, a few weeks ago - and what a smashing lot they were. Speedway NEEDS people like these.
When I saw the Title of this Thread - I thought they were going to scrap the damned thing altogether.
How much longer are they going to go on contriving results.
Sport - I don't think so.
A GAME like 'It's a Knockout' is more like. :rolleyes: