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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Pity you couldn't have got hold of the Programmes. They would probably be worth a few bob nowadays.
  2. I prefer mythman's idea as I am an 'older' member of the Speedway Community. I don't even know what a 'Podcast' is. Anything to do with peas?
  3. Some hopeful News anyway. Good Luck to Bristol and their Supporters.
  4. I did not know about this. Congratulations to all involved - at last something for young BRITISH Riders. :approve:
  5. It seems to me that a situation COULD come to pass whereby there is a repeat of 1964 (remember Unlicensed Tracks then). Perhaps another Provincial League type of arrangement is on the horizon. Who knows? We must wait and see. I don't think that this has run it's course yet though - far from it. Interesting times..........................
  6. I was going to press the LIKE button on this Post. I have not done that because I do not like what Pandorum has to say. The problem is that he is 100% CORRECT in what he says. WELL DONE on a b****y good Post Pandorum!!! :approve:
  7. Provincial League - here we come. :o :wink:
  8. Yes - something has to give. Must watch this space - I suppose........................
  9. "Beware the Ides of March". (W. Shakespeare - Julius Caesar).
  10. Haha - it's easy to make a mistake isn't it. :rofl:
  11. I would say that Jan would know. I am happy to accept that.
  12. Well - it would be interesting to know..................................................
  13. Very FAIR assessment of the Premier League Spin King. Spot on I reckon. Well Done for an EXCELLENT Post.
  14. Sadly it can - and - it will unless something is done by the Promoters to pull in more Punters - and by that I DON'T mean introducing even more stupid Rules than they have at present. :sad: In fact - getting rid of the more stupid Rules might actually help..................................... :rolleyes:
  15. Interesting to see Barry Wallace in the Announcer's Box at Brough Park. :approve:
  16. I just hope you are wrong. Anything to encourage British Speedway Riders is to be applauded. I suppose we must wait and see. :unsure:
  17. I bet you got your e-mail reply faster than if you were waiting on the 'phone to speak to someone. :shock:
  18. Ah - but it's still a much better Film than 'Eating Dust' - isn't it.
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