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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. COST!!! :shock: You ARE joking. This is the BSPA we are talking about. Spending money is not their forte.
  2. So do I - click - so do I - click - so do I - click - so do I.
  3. You are right norbold. Certainly Freddie should be in the top three - in fact - he could have been Number One (which he is in my book) but for the fact that Freddie won both of his Titles at his Home Track. I will change my top three: 1) Peter Craven 2)Freddie Williams 3) Peter Collins. I tend to think more of the Riders I have actually watched Racing when answering these sorts of questions. Thank you for pointing that out.
  4. Yes - Well Done to him for that. :approve: Perhaps this is the start of a NEW Darcy - I certainly hope so.
  5. I agree totally - but - does the Sport not also need to target all those who are lost to the Sport - those who used to attend and then stopped for whatever reason.
  6. Damn - you beat me to it. 13 Heats every time for me. But then again - I'm an 'old git' and can remember the good times.
  7. I have NO worries about 'Speedway Star's' survival. It ran for years with a Monthly Magazine - 'Speedway Express' - and, of course the Weekly 'Speedway Mail'. Personally, I hope that this is a success because the more quality periodicals that are available to us Supporters the better as far as I am concerned. Slightly different I know - but there are also the EXCELLENT offerings from Retro Speedway in the form of 'BackTrack' and 'Classic Speedway'. Very best wishes to 'Inside Speedway'..........................
  8. I'm just waiting for an Official Announcement from..............................................................somewhere. :unsure:
  9. Great about the Cover - shame about the silly Rules that haven't been removed.
  10. Aaaahhh - but will they actually DO anything. I could listen to hard words - but - I couldn't pay Ten Grand. I am NOT anti Poole Starman - but - I value our Sports reputation - this incident certainly does not help in that department..
  11. Simmo finished SECOND one year sidney.
  12. I wonder if there will be any action from British Speedway (Poole). Drugs are certainly not part of the image that Speedway (I hope) wish to portray.
  13. I have purchased the First Issue. I hope I will be Posting a favourable Report after I have read it.
  14. I'm sure there is a song about that screm. http://www.elyrics.net/read/j/johnny-cash-lyrics/my-grandfather_s-clock-lyrics.html The Man in Black. :approve:
  15. Mine would be Craven, Collins and Lee with Simmo in fourth.
  16. Aaaaahhhh me!! Rules, Rules, Rules, Rules, Rules they certainly know how to confuse and exasperate us poor Supporters at the BSPA. :sad: Four blokes haring around a Track - how COMPLICATED can it get? Very - it seems..................................................
  17. As a Addendum to Adder's excellent Post. SKY also frequently cut the coverage BEFORE the Presentations which is a bit naff to say the least. :angry:
  18. ..........................once again a new Rule Book. Once again changes and once again no-one seems to know what the hell is going on. :angry: BSPA or whoever is responsible for this annual cock up - why don't you listen to your Customers? FOR GOD'S SAKE LEAVE THE BLOOD* RULES ALONE!!! Unless you want to get rid of the stupid 'Double Points' Rule.
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