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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Possibly BW - but then again - possibly not.
  2. .......................... ande how the hell do you know that? :mad:
  3. Actually you are probably right BW. Really all I want is to watch Four Riders blasting around a Speedway Track. ALL the rest is complication and unnecessary Rules. I just think that there are those in Speedway who want to make it more complicated than it needs to be. I honestly do think that that is part of the trouble.
  4. Isn't that what they are doing. From the way you phrase your Post perhaps there are too many Concoctions and Contrivances - cut ALL of them out and MAYBE, just MAYBE some Supporters at least might return. Anyway - what's this 'Rolling Averages' all about?
  5. Naaah - you want to give the PIES a go from the Hut near the Pits. PIES to die for, my mouth is watering just thinking about them. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. :approve: There is only one thing better than a PIE at Berwick - and - that is TWO of them. ENJOY!!!
  6. Best bit of 'SITTING ON THE FENCE' I have ever seen Grachan. I like your argument too - all down to personal taste. ............................. as long as everyone goes along with MY personal taste.
  7. Actually that is Fair Comment. I must admit that I am not looking forward to watching this Meeting as much as I was, I think that replacing a perspective Heat Leader for a National League Rider devalues the whole thing. This is a pity really because Berwick seem to have worked extremely hard on promoting this Meeting - and it SHOULD have been a showcase for the Premier League. I do hope that it is still a success and that there are no injuries on either side.
  8. Excellent Post. Therefore it could just be argued that ALL the stupid Rules in Speedway (and there are a few) are contributing to the decline in attendances. IF you cannot argue on the one hand that exciting Races does not attract larger Crowds - then perhaps the reason is something else. Concocted and contrived Results do NOT present a very good example of a SPORT that professes to be fair and honest. See my reply above.
  9. Tut, Tut BW - there you go again - winding me up. Your second point - :rofl:
  10. So am I HT. Problem is that the Tactical Ride mitigates AGAINST attracting Crowds. You may say I am wrong about this - but - I know I am right from personal experience. It would be interesting to know if anyone actually started going to Speedway because of the Tactical Ride. I personally would doubt it. By the way, you know where I stand at Brough Park - in our Group I can't find anyone who supports the Tactical Ride - so it isn't just me. Your argument about Track shapes IS valid - but - it is the same for BOTH Teams over the Home and Away Meetings.
  11. Well - I never knew he rode for Ipswich. One lives and learns.
  12. That is the whole point - there should be NO Substitutes, Double Points or anything else. The Sport of Speedway is about Speedway RACING and NOT about concocted Results. This is why SOME Supporters at least, are leaving the Sport. THAT is also where the Sport has a big credibility problem.
  13. If you read my Post BW - you will see my argument is against ALL forms of engineering close Results - even the Tactical Substitute System. Leave the Sport a SPORT and STOP trying to CON the Public with FALSE Results.
  14. The Tactical Ride is basically flawed and unfair. I have Posted on this subject on a number of occasions. Tactical Ride, Tactical Substitutes or whatever System you employ is GIVING an advantage to one Team over another. In my view, this is neither Sporting or Honest. In my humble opinion, if there were NO advantages given Speedway would be much better off. You MIGHT get the odd 75-15 Result - but either of these Systems would be of use in that situation. I would settle for watching Teams win by a big margin, that is the Sport, that is the nature of Sport. If my Team takes a hiding, it means they are not good enough, so be it. THAT IS SPORT. Speedway has a credibility problem - Double Points does not help with this. In League Speedway SPORT is about Competition between TEAMS, it is NOT about GIFTING advantages to one Team or the other. People wonder why Supporters are leaving the Sport. ONE of the reasons, I KNOW, is the use of the Tactical Ride giving unfair advantage to the opposition. I know too that those who support the System say that it results in closer Meetings, this is true - BUT CRUCIALLY - it is a CONTRIVED closeness. Actually, it is basically dishonest - it means that in some cases the WORST Team on the day wins. I would suggest that THAT is a big CREDIBILITY problem.
  15. Thank you for that Lioness - I didn't know............... :)
  16. Whatever suits whoever at the time. :blink:
  17. We shall see ...................................... :unsure:
  18. IT BETTER BE!!! I bet Berwick have worked tremendously hard to stage this Meeting - it would be dreadful if all that work was for nought.
  19. I thought there was something in the Rules of this Forum about Advertising - or is it just me. :angry:
  20. Problem is that you are arguing from your OWN perspective. I, like a lot of others on here, and throughout the Speedway World actually ENJOY his commentary. If there were to be a vote taken on 'For' or 'Against' Nigel those in favour of him would win by, to use Speedway parlance, by a FULL TWO LAPS!! I think it is very wrong to criticise him when the man is doing his job to the BEST of his ability and does it VERY professionally. Here is a Commentator who loves his Speedway and SHOWS it - there aren't too many of those around. Finally - Nigel is good for Speedway - he advertises other Tracks at times, mentions 'Speedway Star' so that others not involved in our Sport know that there is a Periodical that they can pick up and read if they so wish. So - YES!! - all in all Nigel does a very good job in my opinion, and that is all it is, an opinion. I honestly believe that MOST genuine Speedway Supporters would prefer to 'Back' Nigel rather than 'Sack' him.
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