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British Speedway Forum

The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. It's all a bit pointless anyway. BSI will have in who they want to have in - 'one way or another'. Some World Championship. :rolleyes:
  2. Gosh Mad Potter 2, I NEVER would have thought of that. :rofl:
  3. Aaaahhhh!!! - silly you. This is SPEEDWAY we are talking about - it's about on a level with Israel being in the Eurovision Song Contest. I know where they are coming from - but - perhaps they could have called it something else. :)
  4. It's not so long ago that Lindback was winning a GP so let's give him time. He's had a bad start that's all...............................
  5. Yet Robbo NEVER touched the Tapes once. He has lightning fast reflexes - since when, in Speedway - were you penalised for that. I have seen a number of Riders pulled up for making excellent starts and get penalised because they were so much quicker than anyone else - in my opinion that is WRONG!! Robbo admitted he jumped in one of his Races, fair enough he held his hands up for that - couldn't see much wrong with the other two though.
  6. Elite League is the answer to precisely - NOWT!!! Sadly, a dying League that is kept going by largely Premier League Riders - so don't come on this Thread with your 'High and Mighty' Elite League.
  7. Actually - that is a fair point. As many folk as possible should see this.
  8. I was going to give you a 'Like' until I read the last sentence. You never miss a chance do you? :sad:
  9. Eurosport get Five Stars out of Five for their presentation as far as I am concerned - I think they do a GREAT job. :approve: Keep up the good work folks. :)
  10. I think this is an absolute DISGRACE. Are they trying to encourage People to go to Speedway, or, ARE THEY TRYING TO DRIVE THEM AWAY?!!! Fancy limiting Concessions - Stupid B****RS!!! They would rather have NO money from the empty Seats than actually sell them to kids which, obviously, means if the Parent can't afford to pay full price for the children they lose Adult supporter(s) as well. Nobody is going to say to their children "sit in the car while daddy goes to the Speedway" are they? How daft is that? Unfeeling s*ds. I'm sorry but sometimes I despair of our Sport.
  11. Welcome to the Forum. The Speedway Updates Site is coming up OK for me John. http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com
  12. All this talk about 'good looking' - do you fancy them like? :unsure: :blink:
  13. How Physically Fit Do You Have To Be To Ride Speedway? In answer to the above question - a hell of a lot fitter than me. :sad:
  14. They certainly did sidney. A great opportunity missed and, sadly, no longer possible. I think John would have sorted them out - perhaps that is what they were afraid of. Shame really.
  15. Well go to it Matt. Request permission to put up the odd Poster or two. I'm sure your Company wouldn't mind. If they did it would be a bit mean of them.
  16. You beat me to it Fromafar. A big CITY is Plymouth.
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