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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Read wkha1's Reply. Now, go and crawl back under the rock you came from please. Thank you.
  2. Mort was a great Rider. Much better than I thought after reading the Stats on here. I hae changed my mind on my top five. My original choice was: 1 - Simmo 2 - Louis 3 - Morton 4 - Wilson 5 - Carter I will amend that to: 1 - Simmo 2 - Morton 3 - Louis 4 - Wilson 5 - Carter
  3. I wouldn't if there were. I would still state my view on the Religion but I would never attack anyone on a personal basis for their beliefs. Anyway - I don't retract a word of what I Posted in reply.
  4. I am prepared to concede that wkha1. I just didn't like the way that the Post was targeted at one Forum Member. In all my arguments against Islam, I don't and won't target any Forum Member deliberately. This was pointed directly at me and I challenge you to say otherwise.
  5. You really can't resist your nastiness can you? Apart from your bullying and trolling you really are quite a nasty piece of work aren't you. I know you Posted the above to get a reaction - well - you got one. It's a pity you can't get a life. Anyway - continue your nastiness on your own. Many apologies to the Forum Members who are taking part on this very interesting Thread. I will not allow this person to attack me. I will not start anything, but each time he does this I will come back to remind everyone just what kind of person he is - a bully and a Troll. I will not reply to any further comments from him unless he has another go. Again - many apologies.
  6. This will continue unless we can conjure up more Riders from somewhere. That is one of the reasons that I believe that we cannot (as much as I would like to in certain cases) get rid of the Aussies. That would further denude our Clubs (not Teams, it is arguable if they exist any more) of badly needed Riders.
  7. I am in my Seventies. I never attended Universiity and have never, ever regretted the fact. My Son, however, did attend University and genuinely wishes he hadn't. He feels that he would have done better to get a job straight from School. I must say that I probably agree with him.
  8. You know why I don't go. Should a Rule change happen then I WILL return to Speedway. I have the right to complain about the things I feel are wrong in the Sport just as you have the right to disagree with me. I don''t complain about your Postings, many of which I disagree with, but neither do I deny you the right to say what you think.. This is a Forum where all views, within reason, can be expounded. You drag my name up every chance you get - I have a view of what I think will benefit Speedway and I will express it, with or without your permission.
  9. Simmo, in this Group of five woul always be Number One for me.
  10. ................... and THAT is supposed to be a TEAM!! Don't make me laugh.
  11. ................... and I can understand why. As for my none attendance mentioned by a couple of people - I said all I wanted to say on the subject earlier in the Thread. (At least I think it was this Thread. :unsure: ). Memory isn't what it was.
  12. When you put it like that it does seem logical. An interesting take on those statistics.
  13. Hi Sid Thank you for that. My problem with Carter is that I never liked him and, to a point, have allowed that to colour my view of him as a Rider. Plus all the other Riders you quoted were Team men. I always considered that Carter was all about Carter. Hence my positioning him as I have. I hope that explains my position. I know there are people who will disagree with my reasoning, but I have put it as I see it.
  14. Great Post - I would only argue with one point - surely you mean Clubs - because with all the different Riders riding for this Club and that Club you certainly can't call them Teams in the true sense of the word. .. out of 'Likes' again. :rolleyes: I totally agree steve. It must have cost British Speedway a small fortune when they lost the old World Final money. Now they have lost the SKY money too. Seem to be good at losing money - don't they? :sad:
  15. Yep!! ....................... and were gonna make British Speedway great again. :approve:
  16. That is a totally disgraceful comment, with respect or not. I have said on here many times that if the Double Points Rule is scrapped - I will return to Speedway the next day - if it is on. I do not break my word. Double Points is the reason I stay away - I said I would and I have. I have always said that I would return when it was gone - and I will. I HOPE THAT IS CLEAR!!! As for watching it on the Television. That means I can get angry on my own, and can't make an idiot of myself at the Track as I have done in the past - just ask Halifaxtiger, Tsunami and scarletrider. As for the time I spend on here - that is none of your bloody business. I will give you an answer though - it is so I can keep up to date with Speedway and it's news, people's opinions and yes - a chance to air my opinions too. I trust that I have answered all of your points. You might do better in future not to invent motives for people. Yes - your Post has upset me.
  18. Agreed oldtimer. I wish they would put a Series Link on though. Other than that it is super. I've got myself in to Rodeo and Bull Riding now as well. Great stuff.
  19. Perhaps those Businessmen who do come in are prepared to stand the losses. Fund the losses from their Businesses.
  20. A very good question that. I await the answer with interest.
  21. This is really interesting and informative.
  22. You can also watch it on the Television. Nigel tells you all you need to know.
  23. You can comment on the Rules of Speedway though. You can also comment on other people's experiences. You know where I stand HT - I try to keep myself as fully informed as possible. My views are not totally negative - Four Riders belting around a Track is great - but sadly it is what comes with that that is the problem. Some of the Rules/Organization/Waiting about at Tape Offences/Gardening and Intervals these are nearly all negatives for me.
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