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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I think you are missing the point here - there is a world of difference between driving a couple of miles an hour over the Speed Limit (I try not to - but occasionally I do) and doing Drugs. As you say, BOTH of these are wrong/illegal, but as with everything, there are degrees of illegality. That is why a punch on the nose is Assault - and killing someone is Murder/Manslaughter. PS: I am not heading to the Cop Shop - so I hope you won't 'Grass me up' for occasionally Speeding..
  2. Actually - it isn't. He is buying from a Dealer who will use his money to purchase further Drugs to sell in his local Community. So it not just himself he is harming - he is financing the Dealer to supply others. I would like to say though that I hope that Michael can slay his demons, get off the Drugs, and get back to what he is apparently very good at - sorting out Engines.
  3. I don't think he said that. You are seriously taking Ray out of context. :angry:
  4. Thanks very much for that MP2. He was good to watch was Arthur - he had some classics with Jack Millen too.
  5. I think Robbo will be pleased to relinquish the Number One spot. I wish him all the best in his new position. He is still my favourite Rider though.
  6. Come on you guys. Michael Lee was/is a public figure. Folk are bound to comment.
  7. 'Big' Arthur Browning was another true Character of those days - he is STILL riding a Motorcycle nowadays I believe. He must be some age now. Well - that's how he feels.
  8. I mean't - what was on the Riders Pay Slip has nothing to do with us - and I don't think it has............................. How would YOU like your Pay Slip published on here for all in sundry to see Humphrey?
  9. Good Post. Personally I think they should go back to traditional Racejackets. They could wear the Kevlars underneath. My Team, Newcastle have the MOST insipid looking Diamond that you have ever seen in your life on the front of the Kevlars - I yearn for the days of the big WHITE Diamond on a BLACK background. Chris Schramm is actually wearing one of those Racejackets at present - at least he looks like a PROPER Speedway Rider. Yet another way that we, the Supporters, have been messed about - even the Team identity is not sacrosanct.
  10. If that is true - then you can hardly blame the Promotion for that.
  11. Good job - because you certainly won't get any from me.
  12. I tell you what BW - there was nothing pre-arranged about Jack Millen, I reckon the same could be said of Frank Auffret and Tony Childs. I worked on the Track at Sunderland and I actually SAW what went on sometimes at close quarters (sometimes too close for my liking). To this day Frank Auffret does not like Jack Millen - he told me so a couple of years ago - there was GENUINE hostility there. Please don't insult the memory of these Riders by saying it was a 'put up job' - believe me - IT WAS NOT!!!! Oh - and I DON'T want artificial punch ups either - the passion of the Sport is enough for me.
  13. I don't think it is any of our business anyway. :neutral:
  14. As I said before Humphrey - these things take an age. Let's all just be PATIENT.
  15. It's ever so simple really in BOTH Scenarios. They are BOTH currently AGAINST THE LAW and yes - they are WRONG. Until the Law is changed it will stay that way. Personally I hope they never change the Law regarding both. I know you will probably say that I am an old fuddy duddy - but - it is my belief that the Law is right most of the time and that it is definitely right in these instances. This is only MY opinion - others may differ.
  16. I don't recall too many people defending HIM either. Or is it one Law for a Supporter and one Law for a Rider. I did NOT support BFD - personally I think he was bloody stupid - I have NOT condemned Michael Lee either if you bother to read the whole Thread. :rolleyes: See Post No. 12 on the first Page of this Thread. The Post you Quoted was answering someone else's point.
  17. Actually there is a very good Post by 'hyderd' on the Belle Vue 2013 Thread in the Elite League Section. Post Number 1563. Perhaps this will silence all the doubters. But then again - knowing some on this forum - perhaps not..................................... :sad:
  18. Let me know when you are going Aleksandr - I will join you for Tea and Sandwiches.
  19. Jack Millen and Frank Auffret didn't like each other on or off the Track either. Jack used to get invited to all the Open Meetings at Teeside because the Promoter, Ron Wilson, used to reckon he would put lots on the Gate just to see Frank Auffret and him clash (sometimes literally). You can't do things like that nowadays - but - it really added to the ENTERTAINMENT which IS, at the end of the day, what Speedway is supposed to be about. Jack once needed a Police escort out of Peterborough due to his antics. Not the CHARACTERS around these days like Jack, Frank, Tony Childs etc.. The more's the pity. :sad: HAPPY DAYS!!!
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