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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. That is very true BW, very true. Excellent Post Tsunami with which I 100% agree.
  2. So MOST of the money going out of Speedway goes to Engine Tuners and the like? We should indeed be thankful that they do.
  3. Well would you if you had had somebody's hand stuffed up your ar$e for years. :shock: :blink:
  4. ............................ and people wonder why there is dearth of BRITISH Speedway Riders coming through. :rolleyes:
  5. Watching Speedway from the Centre Green is GREAT as a novelty - I would certainly not want to watch a whole Meeting from there. I did enough of that working on the Track at Sunderland. To be honest I don't understand how this can be practicable.
  6. I hope you noticed I've 'Liked' a couple of your Posts BW. I'm getting a headache. :rofl:
  7. No - but - I hope we will have a good laugh over it. I'm truly gobsmacked. :)
  8. Ah - I see. I think I agree with you on that. Thanks BW.
  9. End of discussion with you. It is impossible to have a sensible debate with you Backless. This is a shame because I am sure, if you put your mind to it, you could Post less sarcastic and cynical Posts. Remove all of that and a lot of your Posts are very interesting. Sad. :sad:
  10. You are great at misquoting - I stated that Frank Auffret DISLIKED Jack Millen I did NOT say he hated him. Get your facts right.
  11. No point in him rushing back only to have a fall - and be out twice as long. I hope that he is soon fully fit (the sooner the better) - but - you can't rush these things.
  12. Just that you seem very interested in what Speedway Riders are getting. I don't believe that this is any of our business and I was making the point that I wonder how YOU would like to have YOUR Pay details on this Forum.
  13. I think they need to get their Sports Newsdesk sorted out. Meeting definitely off.
  14. Oh but I think you are!!! I think you have done so consistently throughout this Thread. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but it certainly differs from mine.
  15. I await seeing your Pay details on here with interest.
  16. I don't think that Jack Millen and Frank Auffret EVER joked or had a laugh after the Meeting MP2. :)
  17. Could you elaborate on that please BW? :unsure:
  18. Isn't it typical? :rolleyes: It's a beautiful day here in Sunderland now, I'm not at all surprised that the 'Diamonds' Meeting is 'off' because of the amount of rain we have had over the weekend - BUT - it really is a lovely evening for Speedway. Ah well - 'Sod's Law' I suppose.
  19. I don't think that I have criticised Michael Lee too much - all I have said is that what he did was wrong/illegal - and so it is. I have also said that I hope that he can get over this and get back to doing his job. My argument is with the people who come on here and say "it was only a little weed" - there is nothing wrong with that - well I'm sorry but YES there is something wrong with that. Without going in to a long Political wrangle about this Drugs are NOT a good thing and nobody will convince me that they are. Personally I would ban Nicotine and Alcohol too but I am sensible enough to realise that this will not happen. Before anyone says anything about being a 'killjoy' I used to smoke forty 'Fags' a day up until 1969 when I stopped smoking and I still like the odd Single Malt Whisky which I would have to give up (regrettably) if Alcohol were to be banned..
  20. If that is the case - then a 'Call Off' is the right decision sadly. :sad:
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