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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I don't think Ostergaard is the answer. Too inconsistent for me. :nono:
  2. Best to get the League and Cup Meetings out of the way first - if time allows then the Tyne/Tweed Trophy could be run at the very end of the Season.
  3. Agreed - but it is going to be interesting over the Winter. We must wait and see. I do hope Richie can stay though - whatever happens.
  4. I don't buy a Programme any more. I just watch the Racing - far better than worrying where I have gone wrong. :rolleyes:
  5. Are you suggesting Speedway on the Telly at ANY Price. For Heavens sake - we have already had Double Points and the so called Playoffs thanks to SKY - do you want our Sport ruined even more just to keep it on the SKY Platform. Personally I would rather SKY took a hike than they had any more influence on Speedway. I will watch the GPs on EuroSport and visit my Track every week - do that and you don't need SKY. :)
  6. Oooohhhhh - is THAT what they mean by 'Telescopic Leg'? I hadn't realised. Silly me. :rolleyes:
  7. Possibly the BEST choice of what is available - at least he knows our Track.
  8. So did I until I read about the 28th somewhere on this Forum Arson.
  9. Has to be sorted by 28th of August apparently - after that it is too late.
  10. I apologise if I misunderstood your Post Abbott. I am sorry.
  11. They would be replaced by more Riders from the National League - and so the cycle would go on. IF we are to expect to 'get on' in International Speedway this is the ONLY way to do it. Pandering to the whims of Foreign Riders will do NOTHING at all to help us who support British Speedway. The COST financially alone is killing our Sport.
  12. You seem set against ANY helpful suggestions that folk put forward Abbott. Yes - we can go on as we are with more and more people becoming disillusioned with the Sport and leaving it OR we can look for ways to improve things. I am not saying our suggestions would cure all of Speedway's ills - it patently obviously wouldn't - BUT - I don't see what is wrong with everyone attempting to work together so that our Sport can survive in these dire Financial Times. A little Information would cost Promoters absolutely NOTHING - but crucially - it COULD engender much good will from Supporters who are all too often treated like MUSHROOMS. (Kept in the dark - and covered in s**t).
  13. No - but they should be giving out an indication of what could happen next year. Remember - in ALL Business you have to look after your Customers, keep them up to date with the latest Information (I'm not talking about secrets obviously). In something like a Sport - it is more important than ever. Why couldn't they have their AGM earlier for example?
  14. Well said TDM. I, for one would be quite happy watching Teams of all BRITISH Riders racing. You never know - we might even get back to the 'good old days' when the Riders would pop in to the Bar after a Meeting and chat to their Supporters. At least they wouldn't have to leave like a bat out of hell to fly to Sweden, Denmark or Poland. That would contribute to Supporters getting to know THEIR Riders and perhaps they would stick at the same Club for a decent period allowing a rapport to build up between Rider and Supporter. I can see a lot FOR this argument - and precious little against. The Foreigners have lit up our Leagues for years now - but at WHAT COST? Speedway has changed so much over the years and the saddest thing of all is that we have lost touch, to a large extent, with our Riders.
  15. I agree. Uncertainty is always a bit depressing in this type of situation. Rumours abound at the moment - clarification is needed. I think that some sort of Press Release from the BSPA as to what is going on next Year is important because it would kill stone dead some of the aforementioned Rumours. The Promoters, to be fair, may not have all the 'I's dotted and the 'T's crossed on their Plans for next Season but, in view of the extraordinary Financial state that the Country is presently going through, they must have some idea, an outline if you like of what they are going to do. Far better to give some idea of what is to happen so that Supporters, when they are planning for next years Home Budget, can factor in their Speedway. The current uncertainty may mean that some of them will drop Speedway from their Planning. That would be very sad for them and would do Speedway no good either. Over to you BSPA....................................... Wouldn't it be great if Speedway's Promoters, Administrators, Riders and Supporters could come together at this time - FOR THE GOOD OF OUR SPORT.
  16. With a lot of people with Blankets, Flasks, Folding Chairs, Walking Sticks and Zimmer Frames watching it - oops - and I nearly forgot - Sandwiches (age you know)
  17. Promote BRITISH Riders from the National League in to the Premier League and if the foreigners don't want to ride here then fine. We may have to take the pain of inexperience for a couple of years - but - it would be worth it to get BRITISH Riders the experience/Rides they need to improve so that, eventually, we will be competitive at International level again.
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