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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I'm almost certain that there would be more of the top Riders riding in the UK were it not for the GPs. More British Tracks could Race on a Friday/Saturday Night were there no GPs. It's late, Ive just come in and I am knackered. But these are TWO ways I think British Speedway would be different nowadays. That's just off the top of my head. Oh!! ...................... and more Riders would QUALIFY for the World Championship in whatever form it took as places would not be given out/gifted like they are at present by BSI. Now there are THREE ways - I nearly forgot that one. There will be more but I am unable to think straight at present. (TIRED - NOT Drunk). I may add to this List tomorrow if I can remember. I NEVER said that Rob. Please don't misquote me. :angry:
  2. He's not that type of person at all. :angry:
  3. Problem is - I don't know them to speak to in order that I might canvass their views.
  4. That question is impossible to answer - as I suspect you know. I do not know how every British Rider in the Premier/National Leagues feel about moving up a Division, and I reckon you don't either Matt. (no offense meant).
  5. No - I don't - but - in the context of the Discussion it is the way I feel. You may not like that Philip - BUT - I am not alone in this, believe me.
  6. That's your view Oldace and you are entitled to it. I only know what I see - and I believe that League Speedway in this Country has gone downhill since the advent of BSI.
  7. I am talking about as a Full Time Team Member - NOT a Part Time Double Upper.
  8. I didn't think anyone was Gemini. Particularly when I got up this morning. :shock:
  9. They probably do Moxey63 - but - whether those figures would be made public - I just don't know. :unsure: Knowing the way that lots of things are done these days - I would suggest - they would not.
  10. You may be right - but - they are still Leeching on to Speedway's coat tails and bleeding it dry. Oh!! and let's not forget the bl**dy stupid Rules they, along with SKY, have been responsible for.
  11. One of my favourite Riders is PK. I love watching him wherever he is riding. A true Legend in my book. I like Adam Skornicki too. I used to enjoy his doughnuts (if you pardon the expression ) too.
  12. I only hope that the WEATHER doesn't turn out to be the winner. :unsure:
  13. That is why I don't have you on ignore. GREAT Post. :approve:
  14. And so it is. :mad: I didn't realise we had Simon Wigg to thank for this. :sad:
  15. That is a VERY good point MP2. :sad: It will get even MORE difficult unless they cut down/end the involvement of Foreigners.
  16. Not massive wages are they considering the Riders pay their own Travel and Hotels? I reckon BSI must be very mean if they can't pay Rider's Expenses. Obviously BSI will be making a lot more out of their association with Speedway than they are prepared to put in. CHEAPSKATES!! In comparison to most other Sports I suppose it shows the level to which Speedway has now fallen.
  17. Do we REALLY want Speedway to be part of the Olympics? I wouldn't want it to become involved with an outfit that is more corrupt than the European Union - and by golly that's saying something.
  18. I believe they do not help League Speedway though. Personally I rue the day that they ever got involved in Speedway. They have screwed Speedway in more ways than one - taking Money out of the Sport. If, as Philip says the Riders get more from Sponsorship - it is just as well. Apparently the Riders are paid buttons by BSI. I don't know how much BSI pay the Riders - but - I have heard that it isn't a lot. If this is true - SHAME ON THEM!! It is the RIDERS who are putting their necks on the line - they should get a decent amount from the Owners of the GP Series.
  19. Aye!! - your right - but - we have no bloody say about it. :angry: We only PAY to buy the Product. :mad:
  20. What a lovely Story. Thank you very much for Posting it. - I enjoyed the read. :)
  21. ...............................they need water too. :shock: or - am I taking the p***.
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