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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Once again I am amazed at the length people will go to on here to help others with facts and figures. WELL DONE!!! daveallan81. :approve:
  2. No - we are NOT!! What we ARE doing is reducing the risk of serious injury. NO System on this Planet is infallible and incidents (like Chris Holder's) will ALWAYS happen as long as Riders ride Speedway. As I say - all we can do is to try and MINIMISE that risk - and - THAT we are doing with Air Fences. In my opinion - they are a MUST.
  3. How the hell do you know that? :mad: I normally like reading your Posts R&R - BUT - you are WAY out of line with this one. :angry:
  4. I quite agree Gemini - I'm beginning to think that my Dog is far nicer than some people.
  5. Who says that there are no pro-active Promoters about? Obviously there are some. CONGRATULATIONS to Newcastle on this initiative.
  6. There is usually a fair smattering of loyal 'Devils' Supporters at Newcastle - it is GREAT to see them too. :approve:
  7. I like to try to see the best in folk. It appears that I am wrong again. :sad:
  8. I think I have finally got the Message on this one. You've Posted it FIVE TIMES. :shock:
  9. I don't think that Neil Middleditch deserves all this abuse - after all - we don't actually KNOW it is him.
  10. I agree - but for the bit about commercially. 'Commercially' should have nothing to do with who gets through to the Final of ANY Competition. It is the Competition itself that should decide that.
  11. Lewis. LEWIS Kerr isn't a 'Ringer' at Newcastle. :angry:
  12. Good Post - it must be I am sure I read something similar. :unsure: Ooops!! you Posted it twice.
  13. How is Adrian Rymel please screm? I always thought he was a very decent Rider.
  14. OK then - saying I accept what you say as true. I only started watching Speedway in 1964 - NINE Matches only and was unaware of this. Yes, perhaps I SHOULD have done more Research - HOWEVER - it still doesn't make it RIGHT does it?
  15. They wouldn't be Reserves then though would they? The whole idea of a Reserve, and I see it, is to be able to replace an 'off form' Rider if required. As SCB say so succinctly above Team Managers might as well be dispensed with as well.
  16. Cracking Post!!! :approve: :approve: The 'Play Offs' certainly make any achievements a Team make during a Season irrelevant. I've had a GREAT idea - let's CANCEL the League Meetings and just have a 'Play Off' Competition. The League System, at present, is only a 'Play Off' Qualifying Round. The League, in reality, is unnecessary because you get nothing for Winning it. Ergo, how can you be called League Champions when you patently obviously aren't? There is an old adage that says "the League Tables NEVER Lie" - they DO in Speedway, and, to be fair in certain other Sports as well. The LOGIC of it seems PERFECTLY CLEAR to me - I'm surprised that some folk cannot see it. You will NOT be surprised at me saying this HT. Sorry.
  17. That's not necessary - I just don't agree with you. BUT - even if you are correct - it doesn't make it RIGHT does it? (Morally or otherwise). You and I will NEVER agree on this Oldace. I wouldn't like to fall out with you over this - I will continue to have my point of view as do you - and I respect that.
  18. Would that be on the famous MUD hills outside the Stadium?
  19. RUBBISH!! Even the mighty Ivan Mauger had to go through the Qualifying Rounds to get to the Final.
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