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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I never stated ALL of Speedway's problems Philip - just a hell of a lot of them. Race days as has been mentioned and lack of top Riders in our so called Elite League is another, in my opinion.
  2. At least Pete is trying to do something FOR Speedway in this Country. More strength to his elbow I say. :approve:
  3. I don't want ANY form of Tactical Ride. NO Double Points, NO Tactical Substitutes absolutely NOTHING. :mad: For Heavens sake, let the Sport itself do the talking - WITHOUT trying to FIDDLE close Results. Those Results that have been FIDDLED are FALSE anyway due to the very fact that they have been - FIDDLED!! :mad:
  4. Peter Craven - R.I.P. + The 'Wizard of Balance'. Still a Hero to me - and I never saw him ride sadly.
  5. Er NO!! It's the Rules. If you have to have crazy Play Offs, you have to have crazy Rules.
  6. What the hell difference does that make. Knowing doesn't make it RIGHT or WRONG. :rolleyes: The fact that they exist at all is wrong. :mad:
  7. I hope you are right about this RPG. A Yorkist Monarch SHOULD have his tomb in a Yorkist City. :approve:
  8. It's hard to look past Somerset. They are the League Champions over the Season - they deserve it.
  9. CORRECT!!! But this is what you get when you have a pathetic Play Off System that, sometimes, ROBS the TRUE League Champions of their TITLE. (If Newcastle were to win it this year I would say EXACTLY the same). Somerset ARE League Champions - they were top of the League at the end of the Fixtures - why the hell should they have to go out and WIN the whole damned thing again. As I say - PATHETIC!!! It IS wrong, it is VERY wrong - but that is Speedway today.
  10. I am sincerely very sorry to hear about this Bryn - I always enjoy your Posts. Get well soon. All the best. Ian.
  11. I support Newcastle - I HATE the 'Play Offs' - but , by the Rules as they stand Redcar ARE 6th. No arguments can change that. Just as I have to live with the 'Play Offs' - you will have to accept that you are out of them. Tough - but that is a FACT. Of course: NO STUPID PLAY OFFS - NO STUPID ARGUMENTS LIKE THIS!!! :rolleyes:
  12. Enjoyed the Meeting this Evening. After two Heats I thought that the omens were not good. We overcame a 3-9 deficit after two Races to take all the Points. Lewis Kerr again rode well and also suffered a truly alarming fall, which he thankfully walked away from unhurt. Same again tomorrow night Lads.
  13. WHY??? If Speedway is on Television next year - I hope ALL Speedway is given a fair crack of the whip. If the Elite League has to lose some of it's status - then so be it. You said it yourself "two of the best matches I've seen this year was the Premier League matches at Somerset and Berwick". I would like to see some National League Speedway too.
  14. Exactly like the whole bl**dy System. SPOT ON!!!!!
  15. I think you will find that THAT is EXACTLY the point. I would love it in one sense - because again it would be proof positive that my opinions about the 'Play Offs' are correct. BUT - it would also make me sad because, once again, Speedway's credibility would suffer. I don't like that.
  16. I hope that you will forgive me for laughing my backside off at these and other comments on here. TOTALLY proves my Case that the 'Play Offs' are not FAIR - nor are they RIGHT, LOGICAL, MORAL or anything else. WELL - as SO many people have said to me - "you knew the Rules at the start of the SEASON etc'.. Speedway has dug it's own grave with these bl**dy 'Play Offs' that you all seem to be SO fond of - LIVE WITH IT!!!! - I HAVE TO!!!! :mad: :mad:
  17. HARSH!!!! ........................................ but fair.
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