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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I guess there must be. I just don't know why myself. Anyone help?
  2. I'm pleased about that flagrag - I won't pay one penny more than I am at present to watch Speedway. I love the Sport - but NOT at ANY Price.
  3. Precisely. Champ one race to chump the next - far too inconsistent IF you want to win anything.
  4. Well - I have read the Announcement - and that is what it was put out there for, so that we could read it. Why do the BSPA bring out an Announcement that is not complete - it's just plain silly. I read and digested their Statement, I then read and digested Jon Cooke's Statement where a little bit more information dribbled out. Question: Why on earth can the BSPA not wait until they have ALL the facts and implications of what they are doing, and only THEN produce a Statement for us, the Public, to digest? I applaud the attempt to bring on British Riders, I think that is a great idea. I do though think that the WAY that they have done it is not well enough thought through - not least the availability and ability of at the very least twenty Riders. With injuries that number could rise to THIRTY Riders required. That is not so far fetched as it sounds. These young Lads will be coming out to ride in front of big (for them) crowds. Naturally they will want to impress. This will possibly lead to over riding by some and, consequently accidents. There will be accidents anyway sadly - that is the nature of our Sport. Nobody, least of all me, wants to see any more injuries in our Sport - we want less, not more - it seems that the way this is being implemented will not help on that particular front. This should have been done through a logical progression. ie. National League to Premier League THIS new Season and then National League to Premier League and from Premier League to Elite League possibly the year after. THAT would give these young Riders a chance to acclimatise themselves to a different and tougher environment. As it is - I get the feeling that they are being chucked in at the deep end to either sink or swim. Why? Because it is the CHEAP option to save the Elite League. If I am proved wrong, I will admit it, but, sadly I don't think I will be.
  5. Well I bet it isn't the abolishment of the bl**dy Double Points.
  6. It would be VERY sad if one of the acknowledged best Tracks in Speedway were lost to the Sport. I am still hoping that someone will come in and take over at Peterborough. Perhaps in the Premier League where I am sure they would be welcome.
  7. There is always someone who will bung some Cash in a plain brown envelope. People on here are still talking about SKY money. I doubt very much whether any new Deal will mirror the old one. I would guess that SKY will pay a lot less for Speedway this time round. THEY are in the driving seat in any negotiations.
  8. I'm not missing that fact at all. I would just prefer to see someone else in Lindgren's role that is all.
  9. Delighted to see Glasgow are down to come to the Tapes next Season George.
  10. The whole thing seems/feels ill thought out to me. You had better change that to 'Elite League' place. An excellent Post rmc. The Elite League are trying to run their League on the CHEAP. Has precious little to do with nurturing BRITISH talent. ......................... and they have kept the bl**dy Double Points - if it wasn't so tragic - it would be laughable.
  11. Forget Lindgren MrP - too inconsistent for me. Other than that - great. Perhaps Christian Henry for Lindgren - that would do me.
  12. Exactly HOW will that bring them on in their Speedway Career Development - Simple answer is - IT WON'T. The National League Riders, if forced to move up at all, should be racing in the Premier League. That would make some sort of sense. As it is - Elite League Supporters are going to have to put up with their Teams being degraded (again), pay the same or more Entrance money and the National League Riders will get no chance to prove themselves against better Riders and will be absolutely murdered if they do. How this is going to help with improving a Riders ability by riding against better Riders, he can't. Perhaps in the Premier League this sort of idea might have worked - but - NOT in the Elite League. What a dog's breakfast they have made of this.
  13. I hope you are right. That should suit Poole then. I seem to be being pushed out of the door too - after forty years. But surely that is just it. The Elite League IS a joke. Totally gutted for Peterborough Supporters. Been there - done that - forty years ago at Sunderland. This AGM is yet another nail in my Speedway coffin.
  14. Nothing about Double Points - do they NEVER listen? Oh Dear!!!!
  15. We'll find out in a couple of days or so - when the dust has settled.
  16. I only hope that some of the warnings have been taken on board, and that a cohesive package for the future of Speedway has been agreed at the AGM.
  17. I'm sure I read somewhere that Dyer couldn't make Speedway pay. I thought he had retired too.
  18. Aaaaahhhhh - but - he doesn't have Richie Worrall. .......................... or does he?
  19. THAT is a major reason that Supporters are dwindling away. It used to be great when you could get to know your own Riders year on year. You can't do that now, chat to them for a Season and very often they are gone. NO continuity - sadly.
  20. Because he needs to do something else with his wrists now and again.
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