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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Do you think that they will 'dilute' the Price of Entry as well? :shock:
  2. I thought Jason Lyons was a TOP Rider - right up to his retirement. He would help anyone out in the Pits (I've seen him helping out visiting Riders too). I think he was a superb advert for Speedway when he was over in this Country. I wish there were more like him these days - he seemed a really nice bloke as well.
  3. They (the BBC) should change the name then. ................................ or get done under the Trade Descriptions Act.
  4. After the way you have treated Frigbo on here - I'm not surprised.
  5. I have tried to leave a critical message on their Website - but - it just says - awaiting Moderation. We'll just have to wait and see if they allow the 'Cons' as well as the 'Pros'. I won't hold my breath.................................. UPDATE: They allowed my contribution - so at least that is fair.
  6. A VERY good option. I have just about forgiven him for lying on the Track in the Berwick Meeting last Season.
  7. But Parsloes - nobody has suggested that the National League and it's Riders should be airbrushed from History. National League Riders DO deserve recognition (I have said many, many times that I admire anybody who throws their leg over a Speedway Bike) and they are getting it. An example of their recognition is that at least two of them will probably be in an Elite League Team next Season. However, this Website is run by someone who has done it for his love of the Sport. The National League obviously doesn't 'float his boat' which he freely admits. At least he is honest. A good compromise would be for you or gustix do perform the same 'labour of love' for the National League and ask frigbo if your work could be included on his Website for the benefit of other Speedway Supporters who ARE interested in the National League. I am NOT taking the mickey here - this is a genuine suggestion in an attempt to reconcile BOTH Parties.
  8. *I hope you are not saying that 'Briggo' did not deserve it. If you are you are skaing on thin ice with me Parsloes. :mad: The clue is in the name of the Competition. 'Sport's Personality of the Year Award'. That would tend to preclude Murray. He will still win it though.
  9. Surely you don't want someone that bad. :shock:
  10. So you are admitting that it could have been a fiddle - and that I was right do you?
  11. Speedway Supporters have ALWAYS gone above and beyond in an attempt to keep their Team/Club going. I know that we did at Sunderland - unsuccessfully as it turned out but at least we tried.
  12. I think you need to ask Barry Briggs about that. I believe that he was conned.
  13. Cheers for the explanation Dave - the old Memory isn't failing as much as I thought it was. :rolleyes: :unsure:
  14. Only if you Publish them.......................................................................
  15. We have always been made VERY welcome at Brough Park and loads of good folk know where we are from - no-one makes us feel unwelcome and we always have some playful banter. We have great chat and great fun - apart from Double Points, which, in the area we stand, mostly agree the Rule is ridiculous. It is truly a shame that it can't always be like that. :sad:
  16. :rofl: Just the sort of response I expected - I find it all VERY sad. WE come to Newcastle from Sunderland each week - why would a few folk from Sunderland put off Newcastle Supporters - or - is it that Football thing again. :sad:
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