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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Well the BIGGEST disappointment for me will be if the Isle of Wight fail to come to the Tapes for 2014. I know that is not quite what you meant - but - I did take the Thread Title literally.
  2. Yes - I am!!! I half expected someone to come back at me about my abhorrence of the 'Double Points' Rule. To answer your presumed assumption of my perceived inconsistency. The 'Double Points' Rule I regard as a fiddle - I have said this many times and my views are well known. Fiddling is wrong in anyone's book. I argue AGAINST 'Double Points' because I believe it is wrong - I would argue the same about the 'Tactical Ride' too. To me the Rule is wrong therefore SHOULD be got rid of - NOT changed. I am arguing for a BAD Rule to be dropped from the Rule Book altogether - that is the thrust of my argument.
  3. Looks like he's gone west for this Season anyway. :rolleyes:
  4. DAMN!!!! Rumbled.................................................. :rofl:
  5. I suspect that you are right. I only used them as an example. SKY have been instrumental in changing Rules in the past. :mad:
  6. I didn't KNOW that it was him - I know that there was conjecture on here though.............................................
  7. Yes you are - but - there are ways of saying it. I am not in the habit of taking remarks out of context. You said, and I quote: "Don't really care" you were talking about Glasgow. Not much to take out of context there - is there? No - thought not. :rolleyes:
  8. I'm a bit embarrassed because the Great War is one of my Hobbies.
  9. Thank you for pointing that out folks. I have edited my Post. Sorry.
  10. Regarding SKY coverage. I still want to know why/how a Deal was announced be a Promoter weeks ago. :unsure: If there is NO Deal - how could he do this - or - was he lying?
  11. "Don't really care". What an attitude that is. Surely the Team is better than what looked to be the alternative only a few short weeks ago - that was NO Speedway at all. "Don't really care". It beggars belief. I am NOT a Glasgow Supporter but I am delighted that they have a Team and are coming to the Tapes in 2014. Good luck to them I say. I wish I had a Sunderland Team to support. "Don't really care". I despair.
  12. ONCE AGAIN WE ARE GOING ON ABOUT NEW RULES!!! When is this constant change to Speedway Rules going to stop. Year after year the 'Powers that be' change the Rules, usually to suit themselves, certainly not for the benefit of their Customers/Supporters. In fact their Customers/Supporters are always the LAST to be considered, even though it is us who pay to watch. SKY Television just has to 'snap it's fingers' and 'hey presto' the Rules are changed - whether it is for the benefit of the Sport or not. Nobody listens to the Customers/Supporters. Their input is NIL. The impression given to me, and to many I suspect, is that they, the 'Powers that be', don't know what they are doing. When they change the Rules they seem to release them to their supporting Public in dribs and drabs. Usually, the Rule is altered, changed or quietly dropped because they have found problems with the application of said Rule. This obviously reinforces the idea that they don't know what they are doing. Why can't they get a set of Rules in place and leave them alone for a few years - the way they go on currently is, frankly, pathetic. No the wonder Customers/Supporters are walking away - there is NO consistency or credibility in Speedway any more. I sometime wonder HOW the Sport survives Season to Season. They STILL expect us to turn up every week and pay our money though.
  13. You're not kidding. I hate to think what goes on inside HRF's head.
  14. That's only natural. You can only really comment on Riders who you have seen regularly. Once or twice a Season is not enough evidence to comment on a Rider's ability to improve. You might have a Rider come to Brough Park twice in a Season and have two bad Meetings - it would not make him a bad Rider. A Home Rider you see every week and are in a much better position to make a judgement.
  15. That is the whole point though Philip. NO-ONE knows. :sad: Nobody seems to care that Speedway Supporters/Customers/us who pay the money like to know what is happening. It's not as if it is a disaster that the Government wants to keep hidden from the General Public. It's only Television coverage of a minor Sport. WHY are they making such a 'big deal'** out of it? ** Bet it isn't.
  16. Freddie Williams deserves to be in there too sidney. One of my Heroes who I had the privilege to actually meet. A true Gentleman too - in the truest sense of the word.
  17. Aye - there are times that he goes faster on that than he does on a Bike.
  18. Both SKY and the BSPA want to hold us in suspense as long as possible. :rolleyes: It's called Customer Relations. :mad:
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