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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Absolute nonsense!! This should be standard practice I would have thought. Prevents abuse of the System. Most Season Tickets are none transferable. A very sensible measure anyway. :approve:
  2. Thanks for the update Dave. Let's hope that they are ready for the start of the Season or very shortly afterwards.
  3. Regarding my above Post - if they HAVE dropped the silly Rule. Sensible BA***RDS!!! :approve:
  4. I'm sure you will get to enjoy it given time. Bloody Elite League snobs!! :sad:
  5. I think we should ALL give Roscoe a chance. I reckon he will do as good a job as anyone. Given the state of BRITISH Speedway these days he can only work with what is available to him. I will say though, that the impression I have of Roscoe is that if everything goes wrong for TeamGB ( what a bloody AWFUL name) it will not be for lack of effort on his part.
  6. Perhaps if you are paying £17 to get in - a FREE Programme and Car Park would help defray Expenses. Every little helps..................................................
  7. You are not kidding The Abbot. The Berwick Pies are the BEST Pies I have had ANYWHERE!! That is inside a Sporting venue or outside of one as well. I'm glad they don't sell them at the end of my Street - I'd never be out of the Shop. B)
  8. To be honest - I tried to think of another word to Marketing - as you are right. Sadly Speedway Nationally does abysmally in Marketing. I know that some Clubs do try. The Club I support (Newcastle) do try to Promote the Sport in the local Community. Some Clubs, I know do very little, some do nothing. That is simply NOT good enough these days. Speedway IS a Family Sport, it is also a very dangerous Sport. The 'Powers that be' - the BSPA need to Promote a NATIONAL campaign to get Speedway back on the map and in to people's awareness, imagination and conciousness.
  9. Where your argument falls down Colin is that Speedway Markets itself as a FAMILY Sport. I am lucky these days - I am a Pensioner and can take advantage of Concessions. However were I a younger man with a Family to take to the Speedway - I would have to think very hard whether to take them. There is not the money out there these days as there was in the past. People in some cases have to make up their minds whether to 'Heat' or 'Eat'. Food Banks proliferate. In that kind of climate you have to make Speedway AFFORDABLE. I, as I have said, am lucky, I can afford my Speedway. I am only too aware that there are those who cannot.
  10. Mum, Dad and two youngsters over sixteen and still in education. Yes - I can certainly understand how cost "enters people's head". Especially in these times of austerity. What an odd comment for you to make.
  11. I can't think of anything worse than that. :shock: :shock:
  12. Fair enough screm. I was just fed up with everyone insulting Richard Hall. They were bl**dy glad to have him at Peterborough when they won the Elite League. Some folk have such short memories.
  13. Careful AC - that smacks of common sense. Good Post.
  14. I honestly believe that Richard Hall would be a great addition to the Panthers Team. Still - that's what it is all about - opinions.
  15. He's probably read some of Hougaard Racing Fans Posts, got frightened and has decided to go elsewhere. I know I would. :shock:
  16. Nor should you. It's what the Thread is about.
  17. No explanation necessary - others seem to have got my Point perfectly.
  18. I thought someone on here had Posted ages ago that Dyer had retired. A real shame - I thought he had a decent future in the Sport. :sad:
  19. Had he come from Bulgaria or Romania Pakistan or India - he would have got in no problem. Ooops!!! :o
  20. Quite a coup for Newcastle. Very good dftftb. :rofl: I would like to reiterate what you say too. Very best wishes to all those who work so hard during the Winter to ensure we get our Speedway in the Summer. THANK YOU!!!
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