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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. A BIG thank you to SKY for helping to sort this mess out. the BSPA/GoSpeed need to LEARN from this debacle.
  2. Don't think this will be any good to me. I don't bet, and I don't go in to Bookies. Not my bag I'm afraid.
  3. I 'Liked' your Post Gemini - not for the Riders you picked (I disagree with some of them) - but - the way you phrased it. EXCELLENT!!! :approve:
  4. ................................... not as impressive as the 'One Off' World Final used to be.
  5. He shouldn't have to explain himself TWICE. It's good that he comes on here to try to keep us informed as best he can - without going over things more than once.
  6. Ivan Mauger. Probably one of the very best Speedway Riders to grace our Tracks in this Country. I admired him greatly, but I didn't really like him (not on a personal level, I didn't know him) but as a Rider there was always something about him that put me off. Perhaps it was his shenanigans at the Tapes which I regarded as not being fair on other Riders. I never felt the same about Mauger as I did Peter Collins or Barry Briggs.
  7. Fair enough Philip - it is good that we can differ in our views in a friendly manner.
  8. I'm looking forward to seeing you again this coming Season Nick. :approve: Why are Pirates Pirates? - because they Aaaaaaarrrr!!! :rofl:
  9. Perhaps you are right. But worryingly - perhaps you are wrong. It is something we will never know. I know you support BSI involvement Philip, or appear to from your Posts. But how can it be right that everything made out of the GP Series goes to BSI without anything feeding back to help the Sport that spawned the GP Series in the first place. I see BSI as hawks who have got there claws in to a good little earner for themselves. I will ask you a direct question. Are BSI putting anything back in to Speedway to encourage it's growth and welfare, or are they just sitting back and raking in the Cash?
  10. I re-iterate - I can see absolutely NO benefit for British Speedway at all from the GP Series. BSI put VERY LITTLE, if anything in to our Sport - but I bet they get a decent return from the GP Series. As I said - they are a Business, not a Sport - they would NOT run it if there was not a decent Profit in it for them.
  11. I honestly don't believe that BRITISH Speedway benefits in any way from the GP Series. :sad: BSI however............................................... If they didn't make anything out of it - they wouldn't run it.
  12. OK BW - I don't agree with you - but hey - that is nothing new. I respect your view though ergo we must agree to differ.
  13. You may well be right but that doesn't alter the argument one jot. As I have already said BOTH Leagues are using names that come nowhere near fitting the bill or fulfilling their claims. :mad: If you don't believe me watch the next 'Elite' Meeting on SKY. Oh! and the 'Premier' League Meetings featured on SKY have, in the main, been far more entertaining to watch than anything the 'Elite League' has put on. THAT though is only an opinion - it is, however, definitely mine.
  14. Comer on BW - you don't really believe that - you seem to be an intelligent person. It MAY be the best League British Speedway has - but - ELITE never. :nono: What is so wrong with 'British League One and Two? At least that would be an HONEST description of them.
  15. I have 'Liked' a number of your Posts too steve - including this one. My reason - because I respect ALL Speedway Supporters of whatever Club or League and if I have given the impression that I don't - then I apologise. It is the word 'Elite' that gets to me - I previously admitted that the word 'Premier' was unfortunate too. Why oh why can we not get back to British League Division One (Elite) and British League Division Two (Premier) - I would be more than happy with that. We should get rid of those two misnomers immediately.
  16. Agreed george. I was only theorizing Humphrey's reasons - but mine is pure and simple - curiosity.
  17. SORRY!! I'm a Traditionalist. I believe the Clubs should have their Logos PROMINENTLY displayed too.
  18. Perhaps, like me, Humphrey is just curious as a PAYING Customer.
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