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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. He is a former winner of the 'Silver Helmet' at Redcar - so I would expect him to do well there.
  2. Thank you foamfence. If that is right not a bad choice in my opinion.
  3. As the saying goes: "I'm sorry I haven't a Clue".
  4. Sorry - I just spotted this on another Thread Oldace. I do hope you don't mind me quoting YOU. "How do you go on down the pub? Does your group pick subjects to talk about with the only conversation allowed to be on that subject or does conversation naturally flow from one subject to another. It is exactly the same in a forum/chat room". SEE WHAT I MEAN!!!
  5. Because Wrestling was mentioned in the OP.
  6. :rofl: :rofl: Come back Jack Millen - all is forgiven.
  7. Before my time gustix. Wasn't it Dale Martin Productions that put the Wrestling on Telly on World of Sport. Kent Walton the Commentator. Those were the days - Speedway was better then too.
  8. Those "very few paying fans"! Would, I think be interested. Just because you aren't interested, you need to remember - others might be. :nono:
  9. I will try to answer your points in order: NOT biased - just sensible. If the Premier League wasn't supplying Riders for the elite League - how would it survive. Not silly but correct. The only credibility lacking is British Speedway with it's Rules. We will have to wait and see regarding closures. As I said, I hope you are right and not me.
  10. Not at all blinkered I assure you. Honest , practical, realistic yes - but NOT blinkered. Perhaps with less money to pay to these 'Foreigners' the Elite League could afford to allow some of the SKY money to benefit the WHOLE of British Speedway not just the select few in the Elite League. Granted most televised Meetings are Elite League - however - without the rest of Speedway (ie: Reserves and Double Uppers from National and Premier Leagues) the Elite League would simply NOT exist. These other Leagues are keeping the Elite League Tracks going and are seeing very little Financial recompense for doing so. In your 'blinkered' fashion - do you really believe that is the correct way to go? I CAN see your point - but it seems to me that you are happy with the Elite League as it is - and to hell with anyone else. At present the BSPA are backing your point of view - even though it will eventually lead to disaster. How much longer do you think some Elite League Tracks can keep going under their current Financial duress? It is only a matter of time before one of them closes. Then you will be wringing your hands saying - what happened? Well - I have just answered that question for you. Wake up and smell your Coffee.
  11. I don't 'hate' the Elite League - I think that is a pathetic response steve. I am concerned about the future of ALL Speedway not just one League. Actually my thoughts on the Elite League are that it is a drain on Speedway in general - precious little SKY money reaches other Leagues. Even with most of the cash from SKY - certain Elite League Clubs are STILL struggling. Seems like Financial ineptitude/suicide to me. However - we shall see who is right - eventually. I do hope it is you and not me - but I don't think so.
  12. This is sailing close to the wind Doctor - I don't like the tone of that. :nono:
  13. I'm afraid I don't see it as necessary at all. Evil yes (because of the money being paid for them) - but not necessary. People don't watch the 'Big Stars' at Premier League or National League level and they survive. THAT is what it is all about at the moment - survival. In these times of Financial Austerity everyone is affected - yes, even Speedway. With falling Crowds in ALL Leagues we cannot continue to pay outrageous sums of money to the so called 'Stars'. Perhaps when these times of austerity are over things may change and we can go back to employing these foreign 'Stars' but at present - we cannot afford them. Simple Economics really.
  14. Also the COSTS!!! If those don't fall - Speedway is doomed altogether. Come on - think about it.
  15. Where is the sneer Smiley when you need it? :unsure:
  16. I know, and sadly you may be right - but there can be NO argument against my original statement that it can and probably will lead to further corruption in our Sport. Where there is Betting - there is corruption - as sure as Night follows Day. :sad:
  17. The BEST Announcer I have heard is Barry Wallace at Newcastle - he really knows his stuff. :approve:
  18. There is a THIRD possibility and that is to combine the Leagues - do away with Expensive Foreigners - everyone starts on a level playing field. THEN, and only then in my opinion, can we start to rebuild British Speedway from bottom to top. The TRUTH is that we cannot continue to pay out 'big bucks' for Foreign Riders - until this is realised by the Promoters Speedway will continue it's long slow decline in to oblivion.
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