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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Me neither. Some PR System they must have at BSPA Towers.
  2. I 'Liked' your Post because it's content is excellent. I did not like the final sentence though - however right you may be.
  3. That is why one man in charge will never, ever happen in Speedway. A shame really.
  4. I hope you will keep us all up to date with this. I think it is great. This is what supporting Speedway should be about - helping each other out.
  5. Thank you Phil. As I said in my Reply to Tsunami - that is probably as it should be.
  6. Looks like a real treasure trove there for somebody.
  7. I totally agree with that Statement. It has been one of my biggest gripes for years. In fact the number of Freeloaders who got in to Sunderland in the '70's, were very probably one of the main reasons we closed. These Freeloaders ruin the Sport for the genuine Supporters. Fair comment Tsunami - you are right.
  8. Fair enough. Nor should he be. I would like to hear the Club's official side of the argument.
  9. You are right Tsunami - Bobby is a Member of the Board.
  10. That is a very decent point to make. No gunfire from me chr.
  11. Yes - but rumours of two others too. 10 - 3 = 7
  12. If true - once again the Second Division in British Speedway has been stripped to pull the First Division out of the mire they have got themselves in to. Will the Championship survive with Seven Clubs Plus additional Teams from the National League meaning yet another dilution in quality. How many will go to the wall? No the wonder Speedway is on the ropes.
  13. You beat me to it Tsunami. I was going to say that some of the best Starts I have ever seen were down to Stuart Robson and James Sergeant. They were always pulled back by the Referee. If they don't touch the Tapes, it is a fair Start in my book. The problem is that both Stuart and James now have a reputation for jumping the Start and Referees are looking for it. To me, that isn't fair either.
  14. You could be right. I merely offered an alternative to what we have now, and I think would be an improvement.
  15. That, if correct, is a downright disgrace. One of our finest ever Riders (Belle Vue and England), former World Champion. No the wonder Speedway is in a state if we can't give true prominence to a former 'GREAT' of the Sport.
  16. In this day and age surely Laser Starts are the way to go. If nobody touches the Beam then it is a good Start. If they do - then it should be straightforward finding out who was the cause. I must confess to having no idea how much something like this would cost though.
  17. But the Thread Title definitely states "Post War".
  18. I think they probably do - but they don't know what to do about it or, how to improve things.
  19. What about Tintin? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=tintin+and+thompson+twins&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2r4_3z4fXAhXEIcAKHXMdCP8QsAQISQ&biw=1440&bih=769
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