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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I was fortunate enough and privileged enough to meet Malcolm Simmons once. He was a very kind and gentle man during our conversation. He was a 'Star' who was prepared to give of his time to talk to me. It was only about three years ago. He was someone who I admired so much as a Rider. For me Malcolm came from the 'Golden Age' of British Speedway when our British Teams ruled the World. Simmons was one of the biggest jewels in our crown in those days - would that there were more like him today. My Prayers and Best wishes are with you and your Family at this time Malcolm. Thank you for the Memories and - May God Bless you!
  2. RIGHT!!! I worked as a Starting Gate Attendant and Raker at Sunderland - NONE of us were paid - and we even PAID to get in Bryn.. That was so that we could do our best to keep the Speedway running in Sunderland by keeping Costs down. However, myself and lots of others were aware that there were free loaders watching at the Track. There was nothing we could do about it but mention our concern to the Promoter - which we did. After that it was up to him - and the freeloaders kept coming. The result, due in no small part to this was that the Track closed and there has been NO Speedway in Sunderland for FORTY years. I have no problem at all with Track Staff getting in free - we must have been extra keen in Sunderland or stupid. You could argue that anyone who works for the Speedway should have a Free Pass - I would not argue against that. The Post to which I replied specifically mentioned 'Hangers On' who do NOTHING for Speedway and get in on the backs of the PAYING Spectators. Believe me - there are plenty of those, or there used to be. I am not 100% certain nowadays because I do not work at my Track - so I don't, in all honesty know - I just go to watch. I bet it still does happen though. The ONLY exception to those working for the Speedway, in my opinion should be ex - Riders who should also get Free Passes. I expect criticism for my views, particularly on ex - Riders - however - in my humble opinion - they have earned it. You DID ask Bryn.
  3. Do you not reckon that Nathan should be given a chance? He has not even ridden for us yet. George knows a Speedway Rider when he sees one - I am prepared to trust his judgment.
  4. Yes - but we loved it - didn't we? :approve: Remember Beryl Reid - Marlene?
  5. Don't get me started on folk who get in to Speedway for nothing. :mad:
  6. Don't care where he ends up - as long as it is not next to me at Newcastle. He may have a wasted journey anyway - I've just been out with the dog and got back soaked. If it's anything like that at the Track - I may not get my Speedway fix. I hope that it clears up in time.
  7. It wasn't Archie Andrews was it?
  8. The Abbott - do YOU know the Riding Order please? This is driving me up the wall. Ooops!!! Perhaps nobody knows the Riding Order.
  9. I know - I only raised it on this Thread because MattK asked me how another body above the BSPA could help. I thought this was a good example (off the top of my head) - perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps I should have mention the Coventry/Peterborough situation of a few years ago - that would have been another one that an Independent body could have sorted out. I just take exception to being called names when I have already made myself clear regarding Rules. The suggestion that I am a hypocrite because I mention Lambert was, to my mind, out of line.
  10. Please read my latest Post on the Newcastle v. Peterborough Thread Matt and DON'T be so judgmental. :mad:
  11. HEY!!! We DON'T want him here. :shock: :shock: Can anyone please give me the correct Riding Order for Newcastle tomorrow. At the moment I am very confused.
  12. No, I can't - my problem is not with Lambert or with my Team. My problem is that had Newcastle been Poole (as you said) he would have been riding at Newcastle on Sunday. It was you who made me think about that. THAT is what is wrong in Speedway - there is one Law for some and one Law for others - that is not RIGHT. For what it's worth, if Lambert riding for us means bending or breaking the Rules - I don't want him. So I hope that clears that up.
  13. Only because they are NOT CONSISTENT in their decisions.
  14. What I don't understand is your defense of your indefensible position on this. It doesn't matter a damn how many appeals there are. If you judge that they are worthy of your support donate, if you decide they aren't worth supporting - then ignore the Collection. It really is as simple as that.
  15. Let him be Gazc - it's better for the rest of us if he goes to Durham.
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