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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Very well said fromafar. That would also make the Sport safer for the Riders, cheaper too probably. Says it all really.
  2. That is why they brought in Double Points? :rolleyes: :rofl:
  3. I wasn't there yesterday. :shock: I wish I had been though - it sounds like it was a super Meeting. Well Done the 'Monarchs'.
  4. She MUST be wet. Knocking around with Walter Mitty. :rolleyes:
  5. Which taken altogether with all the stupid Rule changes, make me sometimes question whether the Sport we are watching today is the same one as years ago. The answer to me anyway is that it isn't. It is just a version of what we used to watch. A poorer version at that.
  6. Very unlucky tonight it seems. A 44-45 defeat for the 'Diamonds'. :sad:
  7. Not really. It may be inconvenient to use the Stadium for this Meeting. They would have to pay Staff - at least for Security, Health and Safety etc.. If they disagree to hold the Meeting at the Stadium there could be lots of reasons why it would not be possible. I, as much as anyone, want Coventry to continue as one of the top venues in the Country. But to say that "we know where we stand dont we!" if they refuse the use of the Stadium is possibly reading too much in to it.
  8. Sadly I will be unable to attend this Meeting. GOOD LUCK to the 'Diamonds'. I hope we win. Fingers etc. all crossed.
  9. Yes - agreed. You can be a very long time in the Speedway wilderness. Look at us in Sunderland. :sad:
  10. Worse Riders than Suchanek have ridden for Redcar.
  11. GOOD LUCK Colin - I sincerely hope that you are successful in your efforts.
  12. Can anyone tell me when and WHY these bloody 'Rolling Averages' started please. I don't fully understand them and neither do a lot of others who I talk to.
  13. That does make a slight difference DIAMONDS.
  14. Whatever happened to SIMPLICITY? :rolleyes:
  15. THE LEAN MEAN RACING MACHINE THAT IS......................................................................................... ANDREW TULLY!!!! Brilliant by the Centre Green Announcer - just brilliant. :approve:
  16. I would love to see Charlie Gjedde back in British Speedway if he is fit. I used to enjoy watching him.
  17. I haven't been to Specsavers. :sad: Sorry - unable to read Post - too small. :sad:
  18. Some may be - personally I preferred Christian Henry. Even Rosen had more potential in my opinion. Just my thoughts on the matter.
  19. Fair comment Dave - I wasn't. Watching 'Warbirds' at Air Shows was my weekend. Duxford Saturday and Sunday. The Shuttleworth Collection Saturday Evening. Looking forward to next Sunday though..
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