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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Hi Tel Know - I meant the 10 year old. She sounds far too sensible to be KKS etc. Perhaps I misjudged his age, could be 6 or 7.
  2. I used to enjoy your Postings about Wimbledon and Oxford Arthur. I do not, however, like your tone about Mr. Gordon and Mr. Morton. What right do you personally have to call them Clowns - or perhaps YOU have designed a National Speedway Stadium - perhaps that's it. I don't think so. I hope I don't detect a Southern bias here. It seems like it to me.
  3. They were, quite rightly, excited by the News from the Council. Perhaps they overreacted a bit - but - after so long waiting - is it any wonder?
  4. Blimey!!! I get accused of being negative and cynical. I could learn a lot on this Thread couldn't I? Some of those Posting, I believe, don't want this to happen for some reason which I cannot fathom. Some of the comments on here are disgraceful. A Promotion is really trying to do something good/great for Speedway - and all some people can do is carp. Frankly it's pathetic. Certainly it has taken a very long time to get this far and it may well take a very long time before Speedway moves in to the new Stadium. Councils do not move at a rate of knots, if they did the Stadium would have been built by now. Councils are always slow - and this is a very big development. It saddens me to see such a reaction from people who profess to be Speedway Supporters - no the wonder the Sport is going down hill. Finally - all you doubters and negative cynics on here - you need to remember one thing Mr. Gordon and Mr. Morton were the men who had the VISION to go ahead with this Project. I would have thought that compliments for their efforts would be due - certainly NOT the abuse Posted on here. Disgusted - Sunderland.
  5. That isn't KKS, HRF, JJR, etc. is it? The age seems about right.
  6. I thought it was 'Uncle' Len Silver. I am sure someone will put us right.
  7. The Past is a foreign Country - they do things differently there. L.P. Hartley. ............................... and as far as Speedway is concerned - they did it better. :sad:
  8. It's all relative though. The British Champion is still the 'British Champion'. He STILL has to win it.
  9. Oh dear!!! :sad: I haven't been to a Meeting for two weeks. Now the flaming weather looks like it'll probably be three after Sunday at Brough. Damn it!!!!
  10. I know - I have to keep replying to people. That what the Forum is about - in my opinion. :)
  11. I reckon Kerr would have got more than 3 Points from the one Meeting he is behind. (I can't prove it though - obviously). I rest my Case. Believe it or not - I honestly hope he proves me wrong. Nobody would be more delighted than me - he has the talent - but .................................................
  12. Lioness - please could you tell me what VCC stands for in your Signature - I'm both intrigued and impressed - or I would be if I knew what it meant? Genuine question. Cheers.
  13. I think you will find you are right - but - I would make Lindgren more 'mediocre' than Robbo, Kerr and King.
  14. He may have been Number One on Stats alone - but - he certainly never rode like one. That, is my opinion.
  15. I would only say that I am not out to get Lindgren. I admire anyone, including him, who throws his leg over a Speedway Bike and competes. I just don't think he is the quality of Robbo or has the potential of Kerr. I suppose what I am saying is that I can't see him improving much, if at all. I said he wasn't a Number One at Christmas, I was right about that, I still think I am right about him now.
  16. Don't worry - I expected replies like this. You are entitled to your opinions as I am entitled to mine. I would recommend that you look at his Scores this Season though - mediocre - to say the least.
  17. Sadly - you will not see any Crowds like that these days. :sad: However, if you like reading about or looking at photographs from the 'old days' I can do no more than recommend 'Classic Speedway Magazine'/'BackTrack Magazine'. A great read and some superb pictures. http://retro-speedway.com/home.php
  18. Yes - that was when SPEEDWAY was SPEEDWAY. :sad: I mourn it's passing. :sad:
  19. You MUST be kidding. Lindgren couldn't Team Ride if his life depended on it. He's a 'Gate and Go' merchant - nothing else. Personally - I wish we had kept Henry or Rosen and got rid of him instead. He is far too inconsistant and not much good away from Home. Henry would get you Points anywhere.
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