Are you telling me that Lindgren can Team ride - he can't, or won't - I'll leave you to decide which applies.
I did say that he rode better too.
Doesn't alter the fact that my comments regarding Team Riding are true and valid though - does it?
Apologies for the error. I can admit when I make a mistake.
Decent Meeting tonight. Good wishes to the three injured Riders. I wish them all well and a quick return to racing.
Lindgren seems to have come out of the doldrums I'm pleased to say - he looked vastly better tonight. I still wish he would learn to Team Ride though. He shot off and left Mills to fend for himself in one Race - we got a 4-2 instead of a 5-1. A little help from Lindgren would not have gone amiss.
Actually - whilst I am on the subject Danny King seems to suffer the same problem as Lindgren. If it were not for Robbo - I would think Team Riding was a thing of the past.
Precisely. In the sun you can turn your delay in to a Social occasion. In the cold - all you can do is bloody freeze. You can still moan about it though - so you are still being Social.
Not too many businessmen live by those Rules Ray. It would be great if they did.
There are those who would argue that morals don't come in to business.
I don't like the wait, and it is very annoying. But if it helps to keep the Riders safe - then I can put up with it. I can certainly understand the problem and quite understand that the delay is necessary.
Love watching Robbo. He is one of my favourite Riders and seems a nice lad too.
Great advertisement for Sunderland where he was born, although I believe that he lives in Coventry now.