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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. How DO they expect us Punters to understand the Rules when, it seems clear to me, that on occasions the Officials don't either? Is this not just an indication that, confusion about the Rules and Regulations are, at least, part of the reason for Speedway's continuing drop in popularity? THAT and some of the more stupid Rules as well of course.
  2. There's a heck of a lot that are more complicated though. :sad: Unnecessarily so in my view. :nono:
  3. I can do no more than concur with you. Those were, indeed, the Days. :sad:
  4. I would say that they are realists - they recognise the way that Speedway has, often through it's own fault granted, lost Supporters. There is also the Recession to consider with folk having less disposable income to spend on fripperies (which Speedway IS if you consider putting food on the table as more important). These good folk are trying to SUPPORT their Speedway Team. If you can't afford it that is fine - but please don't criticise those of us who are trying to keep our Teams going.
  5. Very well aid Gavan. Supporting your Club means through THICK and - THIN!!!!!
  6. Any chance of a summary please Hyderd - for those of us NOT on Facebook? :neutral:
  7. I am sorry but I don't understand too much of the reasoning your Posts at the moment on this Thread. I am not a 'Brummie' Supporter - I am, however, very concerned about their future. I feel the same about any Track that closes. My own Track closed Forty years ago at Sunderland. I find it sad that you are, or seem to be, on a 'wind up'. You may think me a humourless old fool but I don't really think this is appropriate under the circumstances. Do you?
  8. It would seem reasonable to think so - wouldn't it?
  9. IF this is true - it is a bloody disgrace. From what I have read, the couple ALREADY KNEW the Stadium was there when they purchased their property. If they didn't like it, why the hell didn't they move in somewhere else. Some people really are NIMBYs. This Case should have been thrown out!! I suppose this will mean the end for Mildenhall Speedway. :sad: By the way - are they taking the Air Base to Court next? THERE MUST BE MUCH MORE NOISE COMING FROM THERE? THOUGHT NOT!!!! :mad:
  10. That suggestion does have merit. If only one person turns up and pays half price - it's still more money than if they had not come at all for the Promotion.
  11. First of all - I would like to apologise to Ludvig Lindgren for any upset caused by my Post. I have Posted on here before that Posting in anger is never a good idea - and it isn't - and I was extremely angry - no furious at the Post that I have copied above my Post. My Post was made in the heat of anger - I should not have made it. To be called a Racist is not nice - but neither is having a go at someone who I don't even know. This is also unacceptable in my eyes, hence I offer an unreserved apology to Ludvig Lindgren and any Supporter whom I have upset with my comments. Had I thought a bit more - then I would not have Posted as I did. I am sorry. To this end I have decided to not Post any further Posts on Threads to do with Newcastle, I think that is probably for the best. You can get too taken up with things.
  12. In view of my attempt to give some praise to Lindgren and the reaction it got - I think perhaps I have made my point. Don't you?
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