In that case I strongly recommend you take a trip to Berwick.
Anderson's Pies are to die for. :approve:
Seems a bit contradictory that.
So you HAVE actually had problems over food and drink.
Jerzy was a very good Rider at times. That was the problem 'at times'. He could end up with a Maximum - or - a Zero. You never knew what to expect...........................
I was searched at Cardiff and was told I had to hand two bottles of fruit juice over.
I just said "hang on a minute", opened the bottles and swigged half out of each of them in front of the Guards and then chucked them in the nearest bin. There was absolutely no way that the Officious Security Guards were going to get any 'freebies' off me.
Yes - but if you are talking about ALL Speedway in this Country - the Elite League is the minority League.
They cannot be allowed to dictate everything.
You are right HT - BUT - surely the Officials should know what the Rules are. If they are incompetent they should be sacked.
You also do not need, as a Spectator of a Sport to be constantly checking the Rule Book. You want to go and enjoy yourself - you do NOT want to be consulting a Rule/ Regulation Book.
PS: That's TEN MINUTES of your life you'll never get back.