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British Speedway Forum

The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I used to play. You are right - it is very skillful - BUT crucially - Darts is a Pub Game NOT a Sport. Along with the Darts goes the BEER. Hardly sporting that, I mean, look at the size of some of the contestants. Just because it is shown on Sports Channels does NOT make it a Sport. Never that!!
  2. Well said. I'm still waiting for Sunderland FORTY years on. :sad:
  3. Did you know Peter Wrathall (Brafield) gustix? He was, and still is I believe the Brafield Track Record Holder. He rode for Sunderland in the Seventies.
  4. Something went wrong when I Posted my Reply to Tsunami's Post. Seems like some on here are getting a bit too touchy. No one is saying that others can't have an opinion, but as usual it is quoted back to shift the discussion. My term "the same old,same old" was directed to someone on here, who bores the backside off everyone by repeating verbatim the same old point time and time again. That adds NOTHING to the discussion, and on Play Offs they have been discussed at length many times and their advantages in our sport and others described in great detail, particularly the added interest at the end of a season, which means a greater number of teams are actually looking at qualifying, whilst in the old fashion previous championships , possibly only about 2 or 3 are actually be going for it. Injuries can happen at anytime in a Play Offs or League format, it just depends on when they happen. Drop a Cog. I don't think your sarcasm of bigger gates does your opinions much good, as increased attendances do happen before, and during, Play offs, but didn't happen before when 2 or 3 teams were jostling for that single championship. Too many on here thing tomorrow is going to about yesterday. No it's not. That's why we have reducing attendances because too many long for yesterday with everything, and the world for the rest of us has moved on, and the old fails to attract these new more modern fans that could and should be attracted. DaC. I hope to hell the new BV venture is listening to modern sports fans, rather than it be strangled by the old. Final thought to TWK and others. I am a big SPEEDWAY fan, watching 4 riders racing around track 4 times in a race. Never once have I been to watch a meeting to watch the rules, or protest about who I am watching ride or why they could should not be riding. For people like TWK to keep banging on, and giving up watching speedway, because of TR's and/or Play Offs, I would then suggest that their difficulties are not speedway. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As I said before - a lot of people feel the same as me. Not everyone obviously. If you cannot see that all of this 'new stuff' isn't working - then you are fooling yourself. I am not saying I have all the answers - I DON'T. But to say that those who are leaving the Sport have a problem as opposed to the Sport itself having problems, then you must be deluded. The alternative is that you don't give a damn about how some of Speedway's Customers feel and don't want to admit that I (they) might just have a point. The reason I "bang on about it is because I care". Do you really think I am prepared to put myself in the firing line of, mainly you and orion, just for the fun of it.
  5. Except you are NOT allowed to say so. :mad: As often as I like..................................
  6. Some constructive views from you might help - or - can you not see that the lack of credibility has caused me to give up the Sport. Don't you care? I KNOW there are a lot more people who feel as I do, but just put up with it. In their turn though - they will leave - eventually. PLENTY ALREADY HAVE!!! Nobody seems interested in asking the question WHY people are voting with their feet. Nobody seems to give a damn.
  7. I wish I had a Pound for every time you had Posted the same old things about the Elite League orion. Live and let live I say.
  8. Only my opinion Dave - to which, I think you will agree, I am entitled. That is what the Forum is for - airing your views. When something comes up to which I can contribute - I shall continue to do so.
  9. As, probably, the main moaner on this Forum regarding the 'Play Offs' I would like to make a suggestion. Why not have a Trophy and a Name for the Team finishing TOP!! I would make so bold as to suggest that you could call the Trophy the League Championship Trophy and that you could call the Winners (those at the TOP) the League Champions as indeed they are. Then you could have the 'Play Offs', you could have a Trophy called the 'Play Off' Champion's Trophy the Winner of the Competition to be called the 'Play Off' Champions, as indeed they would be. They could NOT be called League Champions if they have NOT won the League, to call them that would be a misnomer. Problem solved - but - not in Speedway. The solution is simple really.
  10. If those were his League Bikes at Belle Vue last night - he needs to give the Scrap Man a call. :sad:
  11. PLEASE!!! :o NO!!!! We already have it. As long as they don't call him Ludvig - that all.
  12. It is striving for higher speeds that will be the end of Speedway. The Bikes now are too fast for the Tracks that they are expected to Race on, hence all of the serious injuries these days. There was nothing wrong with the Racing fifty years ago - slower yes, but infinitely safer and just as good if not better, certainly as a spectacle. I know that my views are not popular - but since the advent of the 'Lay Down' Engine the Bikes seem to be far harder to actually control than in the days of the Upright Engines. I would have thought that control would be very important for the safety of the Rider and those he is Racing? There will always be crashes and accidents in a Sport like Speedway - but - should we not be trying to keep these accidents to an absolute minimum? The Racing is the skill - not the speed. Just my opinion - but - I do think I am right. Titanium Parts for Engines. For heavens sake they use Titanium in the Engines of the 'Eurofighter' Jet Aircraft (Typhoon). Says it all really.
  13. If you need gimmicks to contrive close Results why don't you watch WWE. Contriving Results is cheating the Public. No wonder Speedway has NO credibility and the Crowds are drifting away. Who wants to watch a Sport where the 'Powers that be' in the Speedway World actually make Rules that technically 'fiddle' the Results. THAT and the 'Play Offs' are the only reasons that I have stopped going to Speedway - perhaps those people in power might consider that, and, that a lot of others may have stopped going for the same reasons. More interesting - Rubbish!!! Speedway is supposed to be a Sport
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