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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. You are the leading Member of the Ludwig Lindgren Fan Club RD. I never expected you to say that.
  2. I could almost agree with you. Problem is they are pretty BIG Rules. I know too that I am not the only one - but - the Promoters must know best. Long term Supporters (over Fifty years) like me don't count. WE have only been paying our money for years. Their attempts to bring in new Rules to attract NEW Supporters hasn't exactly brought in NEW Supporters though has it? Hardly a stunning success. What it has done is alienate a lot of the old ones.
  3. I wouldn't be averse to Aaron at Newcastle.
  4. "I don't believe it" :shock: Victor Meldrew. Tut, Tut. :nono:
  5. But some of us are not prepared to put up with "crappy" Rules............................................................................... Personally I couldn't care less what the Stadium is like - it doesn't bother me one jot. All it needs is a decent Track as far as I am concerned.
  6. I don't agree with that B.V. 72. I have stopped going purely and simply because of the Rules of Speedway these days. Double Points, Play Offs etc. are not for me. I still love the actual Sport though. I have also been a big and consistent supporter of Belle Vue's new Stadium. I will, I hope, get the chance to attend one Meeting there at some stage.
  7. Substitute Robbo for Bach and I think that would be a decent Team. :approve:
  8. Spoken like a true follower of Robert E. Lee. A good ol' Southern Boy.
  9. What a jolly good idea. They do this in Cricket for a slow Over Rate - so why can they not do something similar in Speedway. Something like that would cut out this constant returning to the Pits following a false Start. It would also punish Promoters who deliberately over run Meetings to increase their take at the Bar. It would encourage Promoters to get the Meetings started ON TIME. Obviously time would have to be added on if someone is injured - that should go without saying - but the length of the Stoppage could be timed and added on at the end so that no Fines are issued because of injury. I would add that, time for attending to injuries MUST NOT put Paramedics or Medical Staff under any pressure to clear the Track. The injured Rider MUST come first - no matter how long it takes.
  10. Well if Robbo, King and Kerr leave - who will be Number One? Over to you RD.
  11. There isn't any credibility. It's yet another silly Rule which needs scrapping next Season. NOTHING can make THAT a sensible Rule. Quote from Niki Lauda on the Television. He referred to the "STUPID Double Points Rule" in Formula One for the last GP. It's just as STUPID in Speedway.
  12. Well I hope Robbo is back next year also the two Lewises preferably with Lewis Rose at Reserve with Simon Neilsen.
  13. They could go back to printing it on the same type of paper as Private Eye - that would reduce the Costs. It was like that for many, many years.
  14. There used to be more "considered reporting" years ago. Not now though sadly. Probably that is my main grouse about 'Speedway Star' it needs to be more controversial - not for the sake of it. The journalism is lacking, most of the Track Reports seem to written by someone at the said Track. They are hardly going to rock the boat are they. There used to be more of them too. Certainly more 'in depth' than the candy floss efforts these days. See above. I would still recommend the Magazine though and it is good for Results etc.
  15. Certainly is RD........................................
  16. Very naughty dropping George, the Promotion and the Supporters in the mire like that though. :mad: Other Promotions take Note.
  17. Maybe the Sport as a whole. But certainly not Sunderland. :mad: :mad:
  18. Which is why Trades Unions have to have secret Ballots.
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