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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I would guess that the Referee would only exclude somebody for getting off the Bike to do the 'gardening'. Changing a Bike if the one you are on has broke down is totally different. To exclude a Rider for that would be robbing the Public of a four Rider Race. The Rule seems to specifically and quite rightly, in my opinion, target 'gardening'. We must wait and see how the Referees apply the Rule.
  2. I have NO axe to grind here. I believe the Tactical Ride is wrong for BOTH Sides, Home or Away, the Team I support or the opposing Team. I am against it altogether. I tell you what HT - let me know when you are visiting Newcastle and I will come. The BSPA have cut at least one Tactical Ride so they have met me half way and they have restored the Yellow/Black Helmet Cover. They have also got rid of Tactical Rides altogether in Two Legged Meetings. I will probably attend the Cup Meetings. Just the Play Offs and ONE Tactical Ride to be got rid of now - and - Happy Days.
  3. I think you are right - but - I don't think he should.
  4. I wonder what you have said if Edinburgh had NOT got the chance to use the Tactical Ride and LOST!!! I suspect that you might have taken a different view?
  5. It's the Pins and Needles in my legs when I stand up again that gets to me. That and the fact I am stuck to the seat. :shock: :D
  6. It will be HT - it will be. :sad: Unless, of course, the ditch the Tactical Ride at the AGM. If they did, I would be there for the Official Practice and all Home Meetings (unless I was on Holiday, or had something on). I must say that I do not expect to be attending any Speedway next year. :sad:
  7. Ooops!! You are right. I should have been a Referee.
  8. NOT in my case E I Addio. I will NOT attend as long as the Tactical Ride exists. The very day it is removed from the Sport - I will return. I also watch it on SKY, even now. I pay for it so why shouldn't I? I see no hypocrisy there. If I start getting annoyed/angry - simple - I switch it off. I hope that explains my position.
  9. Well I can tell you that I have walked away. The main reason being the Tactical Ride. It does not spoil the Races, I will give you that - but it sure as hell ruins the parts in between Races when I get angrier and angrier. The whole argument behind the Tactical Ride and the Tactical Substitute Ride is to CHEAT people (paying Customers) out of a TRUE Result. You can argue about that until you are blue in the face - but - that is a fact. The other reason, though it does not stop me attending, is the 'Play Offs' - again CHEATING the League Champions out of the League Championship on occasions. If Speedway remains with the Tactical Rides - I will NOT attend. If it bins the whole idea off - I will return. So there you have it - an example of someone who has ceased to attend due to the Tactical Rides. I know there are others who have done the same. At a time of falling Attendances, that is criminal on the part of the Sports Hierarchy. Speedway = a Sport with very little credibility left. Firstly, as a Supporter of over fifty years, I see it as a way to give unfair advantage to a failing Team, never mind the newcomers. The seasoned Supporter may not see the point of the Tactical Ride other than an irritant and a way of fiddling a Result. Your last sentence sums it up nicely.
  10. I'm fine - I hope that you are well too. You're up late my friend - me - I'm off to bed. Good night Arson.
  11. Because it is UNFAIR and CONTRIVED. People may not like that - but it is a fact. It is cheating the Public. If you can't see that HT, I am staggered. The BSPA themselves say that it is there "to keep Meetings close" so they are admitting, by definition, that they are contriving the Result. There should, in my opinion, be NO Tactical Substitute or Tactical Rides. If a Team loses - it loses, if it wins, it wins. THAT is what you call SPORT. All that FIDDLING has done is to ruin the Sport's credibility, and driven people like me (and I am not alone) away from Speedway.
  12. Thank you. That reinforces my view that I am best not being on Facebook.
  13. I am sure that Ole will be pleased that his foot was ridden over elegantly.
  14. I would love Robbo, Kerr, Rose and possibly Nielsen back next year. New blood needed elsewhere.
  15. Paddle dear boy, paddle. I never have a problem with Firefox.
  16. Though it does seem like it at times. Bloody 'Play Offs', 'Double Points' etc.................... :mad: :mad:
  17. Fingers crossed that you are right about that Steve.
  18. I don't think they will.............................................. Sunderland closed down over forty years ago now. Plus - I no longer attend at Newcastle - so - I guess I am destined never to find out. Whisper :- unless you tell me.
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