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British Speedway Forum

The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Not my favourite Rider but I do sincerely hope that he does well at Coventry. Like him or loathe him - he would have been a sad loss to our Sport.
  2. All great Riders - but crucially - would they improve the Team selected by CHR. I am not sure they would.
  3. What about the late and sadly lamented Vic Harding? :approve:
  4. What a great Team that would have been. :approve: I think I would have had Malcolm Simmons in the Team ahead of John Louis.
  5. Optimism is a wonderful thing. The last few Seasons I've been hopeful. This coming Season I feel a certain confidence.
  6. I actually think that the 'Aces' have a top four chance.
  7. I don't know which is why I Posted my thoughts on the matter. Thank you for that E I Addio - at least I know the position now.
  8. I thought you could not ride for Seven Days following a Concussion. I thought that was the Regulation.
  9. Blimey!!! - there are some cynics on here. :sad:
  10. Any information about whether the issue is sorted yet and who can come to ride here?
  11. Oddly enough Starman I am not remotely interested as to whether Poole do well this Season or not - I really couldn't care less. I DO though, care about our Sport's image. Allowing Ward to "Get Off' (Ford/Middleditch) without some sort of proper punishment would be a terrible message to send to to the Sport itself AND the Public at large. I do not want him hung - but I do think that an example should be made of him to act as a deterrent to others. There is a lot more at stake here than Poole Speedway - the way Speedway is perceived by the General Public is important too. We are trying to encourage new people to come and see our Sport and really we should be seen as coming down hard on Drug/Alcohol abuse.
  12. Nostalgia is a thing of the past. Just like Second Halves really. :sad:
  13. I can, sadly see some merit in this line of argument. "Enough is enough" - a bloody silly comment in the circumstances. Middlo should be trying to pull Ward in to line - not mollycoddling him. Anyone can see he needs some discipline. Don't be silly - see above.
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