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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Just as well - methinks. :shock: :nono:
  2. Love the Avatar Jacques - it made me laugh anyway. :rofl:
  3. The sadly departed Jack Millen perhaps.......................
  4. Perhaps if they came from certain other parts of the World there wouldn't be a problem. We seem to take anybody, it seems, but not American or Australian Speedway Riders who have means of supporting themselves. :rolleyes: It's a bloody disgrace. :angry:
  5. Thank you for Posting this arnieg. Herb Alpert and Johnny Cash - Ivan's choice for me. Even though I am a massive Fan of Briggo.
  6. Anderson's do - you should try one. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :approve:
  7. Len Silver put a very good Track down at Sunderland. A number of Away Riders praised it and some of them rode it very well indeed. Bruce Forrester was superb around Sunderland others who rode it well included Mal MacKay, Dave Baugh, Alan Knapkin, Richard Greer, Doug Wyer and most of the Eastbourne Riders. The Track was only 312 yards in length, which probably goes to explain why Eastbourne liked it so much.
  8. A bit tasteless and unnecessary I think.
  9. Are you saying that Women are meaningless CHR? :shock: You will be in trouble with the Feminist Brigade. You don't want to upset them.
  10. I would say that said Number One should be excluded - he knows the Rule. At a time when we are all calling for consistency in Refereeing - he might have excluded the Away Number One earlier in the Meeting for the same offence exactly. Surely leaving the - in this case Home Number One in the Race - the Away Team Manager would be screaming that the Referee taking this action was unfair - and HE WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT!!! You simply can't do that.
  11. Norbold is going to be busy.
  12. Aaahhhh!!! I see now. I have mentioned before that I am a numpty with Computers. Thank you for that Aleksandr - much appreciated.
  13. Can you see the Usernames of those who have Voted - I can't. As far as I can see the Usernames are hidden.
  14. Just for a moment there - I thought you were mad - until I realised it was per Race.
  15. I still have a Tape of his somewhere. The 1972 World Final - I've no idea where it is now though. It'll probably turn up when I snuff it. :sad:
  16. You are entitled to a view though. Therefore - you are entitled to a Vote CHR.
  17. Everybody is blessed or cursed with different personalities though. Some may need mentoring - others not.
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