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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I'm not fighting anyone's battles - I am just looking for decent behaviour. Charitable Donations are entirely up to the individual - no-one else. I don't understand how you can justify your question in your original Post - it is none of your business. It's none of mine either - but the difference between you and myself is that I would never have even considered asking the question in the first place. I hope this explains my position.
  2. I reckon it is being done with him in mind. :party:
  3. Unnecessary and rude question The Doctor. What/whether anyone chooses to give, or not to give, is their business, and their business alone. I reckon an apology to gustix would be nice in this case - don't you?
  4. Possibly - but - he does Ride for Great Britain. He has won the GP Series and been recognised as World Champion, for Great Britain. It isn't his fault that he was brought up in Australia - that was down to his Parents - I had my misgivings at one time too. He is BRITISH and that is what counts. If he can help himself towards another Championship by not Riding here - then so be it. It is a very long time ago since Great Britain could call the tune in World Speedway - I am afraid we are now among the 'also rans'. If Tai needs to move on to improve himself - then why shouldn't he? I also read that Tai would return to Australia when his Career is over - having been brought up there, you and I would probably do the same.
  5. Fair point. I would have thought that Michael is exactly the sort Case that they would be able to help. Let's hope so.
  6. Probably because he considered Poland and Sweden as a better standard to test himself against in his bid to become World Champion again. Possibly the money was better in Sweden and Poland. Possibly the travelling involved is too much for him. In any of those scenarios he has done the sensible thing. Sadly - British Speedway is just a sideshow these days. Most of the really top Riders won't even ride here. Tai has got it right in my opinion - I hope he goes on and wins the GP Series again for Great Britain.
  7. I'm sorry - I can't agree with that statement. He has quit British Speedway in order to improve his chance of once again winning the World Championship. I, for one, don't blame him. British Speedway is a bit 'Mickey Mouse' these days anyway.
  8. No! Didn't you say something about Free Copies to all Forum Members? :shock: :rofl:
  9. We 'coffin dodgers' are never happy are we CHR? :rofl:
  10. Problem is - it isn't as special at it used to be. :sad:
  11. "To Dream the impossible Dream"!!! :shock: :rofl:
  12. I asked a genuine question early in the Thread. I was very kindly answered. No need for further comment.
  13. Hi Ernie - if you read the Article on the Newcastle Website (Linked) it is clearly indicated that Lewis Kerr will not be Number One. I thought he would have been - but - I was wrong.
  14. That is the only thing I can see too. Interesting to see how the rest of the Team are fitted together.
  15. A sincere question here. What happens if Adam decides to retire? (as I believe he should in order to protect his body from further harm) Is this request not a bit early?
  16. What a stupid statement. Congratulations to Brian Havelock and the Promotion for getting them in, if only for a year. Speedway needs all the support it can get. I sincerely hope it is for longer than one year by the way.
  17. .............. and you love Border Collies of course. They'll keep you young. :approve:
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