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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Aye - there is always that. :sad: I wonder how many Speedway Tracks have closed down because of 'Freebies'? At least a few I bet. :mad:
  2. "It weren't me Mr. Dixon - I weren't even there". (Done in a gravelly cockney accent). :D
  3. Oh dear!!!! I hadn't realised that. :sad: Terrible for our Sport. :sad:
  4. Lots of people do. Does that mean you will have to change your name to 'Newace'? :shock: :rofl:
  5. Of course he doesn't owe them anything. He gave good value for money to all of those Tracks he rode for and probably increased attendances at all of them too. Those Tracks reaped the benefits of having Tai riding for them and were, presumably, happy to do so. I owe my first Employer for giving me a job - I don't think so. I worked very hard whilst I was there and they paid me for it. Much the same as Tai really................
  6. That is a load of tosh speedibee. I don't see a lot of loyalty to Riders in British Speedway except from the Supporters of course. Tai, on the other hand, owes British Speedway nothing. British Speedway owes Tai a lot because of all the Publicity Events that he attended during his year as World Champion. Everyone said what a wonderful, hard working World Champion he was - and - I agree with them. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Tai, should he win another World Championship would do the same again - Promoting BRITISH Speedway in the Media, on Television and any way he could.....
  7. You really do have some peculiar views. You are right about one thing though - it certainly does "say it all" - it "says it all" about the state of British Speedway and nothing at all about Tai. If Tai, who is an ambitious young Rider, reckons that British Speedway isn't worth the candle, and that he needs to leave it to improve who are you, or me, to gainsay that. He should certainly ride for Great Britain in the SWC - we should pick our very best Riders and Tai is one of those - whether you like it or not.
  8. Cheers Dave. I thought I recalled something from my somewhat befuddled memory. :)
  9. A friend of mine sent me this 'Link'. https://www.caunceohara.co.uk/commercial/motor-sports It specifically mentions Insuring of Speedway Riders. Just for Information. EDIT: I am sorry I can't get this 'Link' to work on the Forum. You will have to key it in if you are interested.
  10. Who cares. Tai has won the World Championship and if leaving British Speedway helps him to win a few more - then GOOD LUCK to him and meanwhile we can bask in the Glory of having a British World Champion again.
  11. Past history probably. Wasn't there supposed to be a Honda Speedway Engine being looked at a few years ago? It never happened.
  12. With the COST of the new Stadium - I would expect them to need as much money as they can get as soon as possible. I don't blame them in the least. :approve:
  13. You never answered my question BW. You must have forgotten.
  14. "Evenin' all". https://uk.video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A7x9Uk7Jzz9V6lwATyV3Bwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsYWhiN2NvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyMgR2dGlkAw--?p=dixon+of+dock+green&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001
  15. Great to see things moving forward. I must admit to getting a bit excited about this............................... I hope that the first Meeting is on the Telly.
  16. If the organization of Refunds is anything like the organization for the Warsaw GP - I think you may well be waiting a hell of a long time for your money. (I hope I am wrong - but I doubt it).
  17. Guilty on that score BW. Who is likely to be against all three? Go on - tell me - I'll keep your secret. I still think Tai made the correct decision by the way. (Just in case anyone thought it was me).
  18. YUK!!! I don't like to think about that too much Dave. I gives me the 'willies'. :shock:
  19. I never saw him ride. R.I.P. + Josef.
  20. Why are you reading it then. I like the pun by the way. :D
  21. Bit like 'Double Points' really. Concocted Results. Now I CAN agree with that sentiment.
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