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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Wrong. I am talking about an injustice as I see it. An informed opinion if you like. Proctor has been in this Country now for about eight years. Are my remarks about certain Immigrants coming here justified? - I would have thought that is self evident.
  2. I've just heard about this and I am appalled. As someone has already stated - it appears that it is OK for all the ne'er do wells, Terrorists, Thieves, Pickpockets and Trash from all over the World to come to this Country and screw as much as they can out of us - yet a fully employed Speedway Rider from our own Commonwealth is turfed out at a moment's notice. That can't be right, surely.
  3. I'm sorry Philip I think BSI do have a responsibility. Remember, once Riders are developed they eventually, if all goes well, and they are successful, go on to be GP Riders. Is it not incumbent on BSI to at least contribute to their own life's blood?
  4. Need an Address or Telephone Number like? :shock: :shock:
  5. This should be a very interesting Thread. I will have to have a think............................
  6. R.I.P. + Lee. Thank you too for the 'Link' to the Leigh Adams information Wackie.. Really great to see that he is improving. As CHR says - I'm not at all keen on the name calling though. I agree - but - I would like to stress not me. Belle Vue is my Team.
  7. A bit like the English Cricket Board really....................
  8. I'm not on forkrent Facebook. Something like that anyway................... :shock:
  9. I will give you that SKY Television didn't help with overall attendances, but, to my mind BSI and The Grand Prix Series have done infinitely more damage. That is too simplistic a view. Mind you that is still approximately 40% of the Season - that is a fair old chunk of it. It's not just Race Days that are the problem - it is the way that the GP Riders have, in the main deserted British Speedway.
  10. So you are saying that the GPs have had nothing to do with the decline of British Speedway. All I can say to that is that you are entitled to your view. :rofl:
  11. Believe it or not - so do I. As long as he concentrates on his Speedway and leaves everything else behind.
  12. NO!!! Whilst not being amongst the 'in' people, it appears to me that BSI has, generally, been bad for Speedway. I have believed this for years. Yes they give us the Grand Prix - but at what cost to British Speedway, which seems to have gone down hill with the inception of the GPs. BSI are a business and are in the GP Series for BSI - certainly not British Speedway. All Profits seem to go to BSI with a bit for the Riders and that seems to be it. There is nothing, as far as I can see, for the Training of young Riders or anything else for our (British) Speedway. BSI should remember that as soon as a Rider is proficient enough to enter the GP System he is another Rider who keeps the 'Circus' on the road. But again, BSI contribute nothing for the Track who developed the Rider, and nothing toward improving Speedway in this Country from it's roots to the top. My contention is that as BSI benefit from having our Riders in their GP System - they should, at the very least, be putting money in at the bottom end of Speedway so that even more Riders can be developed for their GP Series. Surely that is to their benefit and also to the benefit of British Speedway. That is the way I see it anyhow.
  13. Sadly - I can't pienpeesman. I think you know why. I don't want to drag the subject up again. :sad:
  14. I didn't know - that is why I asked the original question.
  15. I must admit sidney - I think Lambert should be given his chance for Great Britain early, and stick with him. He will have some bad Meetings along the way, but he will learn. He is the best prospect I have seen for a very long time.
  16. That, of course depends on which side of the argument you are on BW.
  17. Surely you should respect your Sport and think very carefully before bringing it in to disrepute. Nobody is saying that Lee was not a brilliant Rider - he was. But if you asked me was he good for Speedway, I would probably have to say no. His undoubted brilliance, to me, was overshadowed by his actions that brought the Sport I loved in to disrepute. As for Bridger - he too has found ways of getting himself in to trouble too. Being a good, or in Lee's case a great Rider does not mean that you can do what you like regardless of the consequences, and it does not excuse those things either..
  18. Just thought there may be a problem due to his brushes with the Law in this Country.
  19. Bridger allegedly got in to some sort of Race row in a punch up and Lee was allegedly involved in Drugs. I don't think that Mauger, Olsen or 'Briggo' were ever involved in anything like that.
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