I've checked Posts 9 and 10 and they have no relevance whatsoever.
You do realise that is a minute of my life I won't get back. I haven't that many left that I can throw them away lightly. :)
I believe the top Post is the relevant one here. I can see nothing in it about people hunting for Nicki on the Track. It might happen, I hope it doesn't, but I don't think Philip has Posted anything wrong here. I don't always agree with him, by the way, but fair is fair.
I think, and have thought for some time that Newcastle Speedway is run by a few people who love their Sport. I don't think there are any millionaires at Newcastle, just folk who care passionately about Speedway and who keep it going probably out of their own pockets. They cannot be making a lot of money out of it.
I think they should be praised for that not castigated.
Without their dedication - there would be no Speedway, that is a simple FACT!!!
I prefer Racing to Accidents. Bad accidents make me feel physically sick, I get no pleasure in watching them.
However - as a Sunderland 'Stars' Supporter - I loved Jack Millen.
I don't think that he was universally loved anywhere else. He did drag the Crowds in though...................................
Can you say that these days BW? :shock: :nono:
He would just about make my top twenty sidney.
He wouldn't rate very high though - bottom three probably.
He would face stiff competition from Rickardsen, Crump, Craven, Collins, Briggo, yes and even Hancock et al.
No tin hat required Arson - or there shouldn't be.
As a Supporter who obviously loves the Club and his Speedway you are entitled to your view. You have certainly paid, over the years to earn the right to speak your mind.
Parts of your Post are not the views I hold - but some things I agree with.
I honestly think that the Promotion are doing their level best to ensure a future at Newcastle. I am not in any 'cliques' but I do honestly believe that.
You are right that PR is not very good and could be improved.