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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I did - but I don't now. I really thought that when he was given the Captaincy he would kick on. I am genuinely disappointed that he hasn't because I believed he had potential. I honestly wanted to give him a chance this year. Sorry if you disagree - that is your right........
  2. "igigigigig - I'll get them Dook Boys" Quote: Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
  3. Yes - but I thought this would be a big year for him. I thought that the extra responsibility of being Team Captain might have spurred him on to greater things. For once this isn't a dig at him - I am truly disappointed.
  4. I did not miss the sarcasm - but - I agreed with the statement.
  5. Sadly Lindgren isn't tearing up any trees this Season.......................
  6. There you go again BW. If anyone has the effrontery to disagree with you you turn to personal insult. I can and do understand the Debate. I even understand your argument that most of the top Riders were in Division One. That, though, does not alter the fact that the old National League was a bloody good League with lots of exciting Racing. What I don't understand is how you can call a League that contained at one time or another John Louis, Peter Collins, Michael Lee and Gordon Kennett to name just four, mediocre. I know that there were journeymen Riders in the old Second Division but there were journeymen Riders too in Division One and if you are honest you will admit that. Nobody, as I understand it, is saying that Division Two was better than Division One - it wasn't - it was still a great League though with some great Teams in it.
  7. Oh - but I think it has. I watched National League Racing week in, week out, year in and year out, so like sydney, I am qualified to comment. I had not realised you were making your judgement on a few U-Tube clips. The National League was a very good, entertaining League to watch. I know I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a tough League, a very tough League and it certainly was not mediocre. How could it be mediocre with all the Stars of the British League emanating from it. I am sorry BW, but I am with sydney on this one.
  8. I wasn't expecting this Result. Nice to see 'Robbo' have a return to some sort of form though. He has struggled badly this Season so far.
  9. I would suspect not. Surely, had they done so, things would have been changed. I wonder if all this 'hoo haa' would have happened had Somerset won? Just a thought..........................
  10. I cannot be bothered to trail back through all of the Posts on this Thread but I am sure I read that the Redcar Team Manager had queried this issue with both the Referee and the Somerset Management. If this is so, Redcar have done nothing wrong, on the contrary they tried to do the right thing. If the Referee was satisfied and the Somerset Management were satisfied - you can hardly blame Redcar or their Management Team. The correct Decision was reached allowing the Result to stand. ????? Is it not disrupted enough already? :shock:
  11. It's not that AFCB Wildcat. The American Civil War is one of my great interests. I have read copious books on the subject since I was fifteen. The problem is that my memory is failing these days and I can't remember half I learned.
  12. I would have no problems with the Kaiser's Flags either (Nazi one's I would have a problem with). Nor would I have a problem with the Cross of St. George. Same old scumbags everywhere unfortunately. This is why folk should be educated regarding the true meaning of these Flags.
  13. I'm all for that iris123. The Confederate Battle Flag has a great History and Tradition. It should be honoured for that. The Racist scumbags who have hijacked the Flag for their own ends are the problem not the Flag. I have said many times that a lot of brave men died under that Flag, the full implications and History of the Flag should be taught in Schools in America - you are right.
  14. So is the Confederate Battle Flag - you need to change hearts and minds not the Flag.
  15. Of course it isn't. Sidney, rightly stated that there were some great Riders in the old National League - and that is true. Granted a lot of these Riders were developing their careers but they all had to start somewhere. Even today Woffinden started in the National League. Who?
  16. Perhaps - but he became a World Champion who had ridden in the National League BW. Or, are we ignoring that?
  17. Surely not everyone could get in. Or perhaps they could these days.
  18. I don't think so - see here: http://www.bild.de/regional/hamburg/kleingaertner/hisst-reichsflagge-in-hamburg-37204558.bild.html It mentions Nazis - my German is very limited. Perhaps iris 123 could help us out here. There is no Maltese Cross on the Flag either. I could well be wrong though.
  19. If the Track closed - it would put an end to everything. If Sundays are the only thing that will keep the 'Scorpions' alive then Sundays it will have to be, and sod anything else. I know that Scunthorpe have done brilliantly with their Training Sessions - but if they have to be sacrificed in order to save the Track itself - then so be it as far as I am concerned. The very sadly missed Kenny Smith. Definitely a miss from our Reunions/Get togethers at Sunderland.
  20. Contriving to tighten the Meeting would be a better way of putting it. Rewarding poor performance.
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