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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I've always thought that ch958. It won't happen though, particularly slowing the Bikes down.
  2. It doesn't look that cool. If it did, youngsters would be flocking to Tracks to watch Speedway - and they aren't doing that. So - as I say - these bloody suits cannot be that 'cool'.
  3. Hope springs eternal - I hope he comes back soon.
  4. Speedway Meetings are a bit like you Lord Lucan - difficult to find.
  5. I started supporting Speedway back in 1964. 54 years ago. I am 100% with moxy63 on this one. If I thought that race suits had brought anything positive to the Sport I would agree with najjer. To my mind it hasn't, what it has done is remove a sense of colour from the Sport. There is no 'Little Boy Blue', 'The White Ghost', The' Red Devil' these days - they all look the bloody same. Change to suits has done nothing but remove a sense of identification with Riders. It has sanitised the Sport in a way that has removed any sense of individuality. You ask why there are no characters in Speedway like there was in the past - I am not saying that Race Suits caused lack of characters, but they are a contributory factor. The Riders are no longer allowed to show any individuality. Individuality was how the Characters emerged. By the way - Speedway WAS better in our day and that is without rose tinted spectacles.
  6. I'm OK YB - but I cannot believe the 'Bears' luck this Season. Good luck to then in what is a very difficult situation.
  7. It just confirms what I have thought for a while now. Great Britain is becoming less and less relevant/influential to World Speedway. A very sad situation, which to me anyway, commenced with the advent of the GPs. How are the mighty fallen?
  8. Yes Steve - The latest Issue of 'Classic Speedway' is definitely a winner. Actually the latest 'BackTrack' and 'Classic Speedway' Magazines are an absolute must for the many Ivan Mauger Fans out there. They are real Souvenir Editions. Both of them are a great tribute to a great Rider.
  9. I'm afraid I don't believe that. It might not help, but I doubt if anyone can argue that the GP System has helped British Speedway, or has not contributed to it's downfall.
  10. I was talking about the Averages. Very few, if any appear to understand, with any degree of accuracy, how they work. You only have to look at this Thread to see that. I assume they are part of the Rules and Regulations too.
  11. Somebody really needs to sort out the Rules and Regulations of Speedway pretty damned quick. What an unprofessional and incompetent lot those who are responsible appear to be.
  12. As I have stated previously - this situation has arisen directly because of the GPs. I may watch them - but they have sounded the death knell for British Speedway. Many won't agree, but I believe that the damage done to British Speedway could be irreparable in the long term. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.
  13. I don't think so Dandelion - I don't think so.
  14. I didn't realise that Dandelion - you don't half look after me. Thank you very much for that. I have learned something new today.
  15. That's a fair question in regards to Workington. Quite a statement to make, unless you are absolutely certain of what you are saying.
  16. Not by me it wouldn't Dandelion - I am not and never will be on Twitter, Facebook etc..
  17. Yes, he was also great mates with Jim Wells.
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