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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I wonder where the GP boys will ride when they are finished with the GPs. I seriously doubt BSI will look after them. Ah well - back to Racing in Britain.
  2. Sadly you are right. Loyalty, to me, is important but, these days it seems as if it is a word that will disappear from the English Language. It seems the same throughout the working environment. Loyalty is a thing of the Past.
  3. That is a very good point. I must admit I had not considered that.
  4. Might not appear to be a major problem for Speedway iris123. It may be a big problem for the Supporters though. If Speedway Supporters cannot relate to their Riders, they see the Sport as impersonal. That, to me is a shame, and if they see it that way they may wonder whether going to Speedway is worth it. I would suggest, that to quite a lot over the years, it hasn't been, and that is at least part of the reason the Sport is hemorrhaging Supporters at an alarming rate.
  5. The simple answer is you can't. You also need your Supporters to build up relationships with their Riders. You could, and did do that years ago - it seems impossible now sadly. The pressure for the Rider to get away to the next part of the 'Circus' is just too great.
  6. To be fair rmc - Derby Games in Football do generally have increased Attendances over ordinary 'run of the mill' Games. The argument is - would that happen in Speedway if you were playing your nearest neighbours. I think it could possibly be the case.
  7. I think quite a few Supporters of Teams like Redcar and Plymouth and others may have something to say about this........... Not for me under that system I'm afraid. Sorry.
  8. Ah. Right. I still think Simmo would have had a chance were it not for his injury.
  9. NO!! If you want to do further research - I would recommend that you read Post 68 (Vince) and 69 (Haydon Hat) two excellent Posts which express mt thoughts and feelings very well. It would be a waste of time me replying to your Post properly - you wouldn't believe me anyway. I will read all of your Posts - but don't bother asking me any questions - I will not answer them. You know why.
  10. Simmons finished SECOND in 1976 I'm sure. :unsure: EDIT: Ooops - I should have read TMC's Post first.
  11. Fair enough sommelier. A lot of Supporters who comment on here see the Riders on Television without having to go to Meetings. I myself watch Swedish and British Speedway when it is on, and I watch the GPs too. You can get a pretty fair impression of a Rider from that. I happen to think that Lambert is great. There are others who will, no doubt, disagree with me. Only time and the future will tell.
  12. I'm not arguing against your suggestion iris123, but would people go along and support a Sport where they could only attend 5 or 6 times a year? People like continuity so I would personally doubt it.
  13. How can it be a knee jerk reaction? As I said I ave been saying this for years - hardly knee jerk. Many Tracks are old, I'm not sure of the age of all of them but I do know that a good number are pre war. I believe my Post to have at least some merit and actually is thought through - obviously you don't - but can't you disagree without your increasing unpleasantness. I think a lot of your Post is not based on fact - I refuse to be unpleasant about it though...........................................
  14. I think we all want a good result for Darcy sidney. I was a big critic of Darcy's behaviour on here. I am not ashamed of what I said. That does not though prevent me from feeling very, very sorry indeed for the predicament in which Darcy now finds himself. That is not a hypocritical position to take. Nobody would wish serious injury on anyone, even though we disagreed with his behaviour.
  15. I have been a very harsh critic of Darcy Ward in the past. The past though has no relevance when you consider what has happened to Darcy at this time. Personally I am praying for a full recovery from his injuries. I don't know how bad his injuries are, but from reading on here they sound very serious indeed. Would it be possible for anyone with up to date information on his condition, to keep us updated?
  16. I support the original Poster in this. I have said it until I am blue in the face - the Tracks these days are mostly, through force of circumstance, old Tracks (circa: 1928) and have grown too small and tight for the Bikes that are expected to Race on them. To me - you can either change the Tracks, or you can change the Bikes. Obviously changing the Tracks is far too expensive and impractical. It would be expensive to change the Bikes too - but not impossible. This constant striving for more speed is literally killing people. Many will not like what I say - but it is true. The answer must be to slow the Bikes down. If you lost say 10 seconds off Race times due to Bike alterations, as long as everyone was riding similar equipment - I don't understand where the excitement will be lost. Speedway was very exciting fifty years ago, it is very exciting now too, but crucially, with the higher speeds making it much more dangerous. Speedway is a very dangerous Sport anyway, and I fail to see the point of making it even more dangerous by increasing the speeds. I know people will say that is progress and we must go forward - but at what cost? The higher speeds are making Speedway Tracks throughout the Country unfit for purpose. How will supporters feel when Tracks may have to be closed because they are unable to cope with the speed of the Rocket Ship that the current Speedway Bike is becoming? The death of one Rider is too many. Do we not owe it to them to, at least, try to minimise the risks. I have seen far too many very seriously injured Riders or worse in my time watching Speedway, you will never eliminate the risks altogether - but we have to try.
  17. Ooops - sorry I was wrong. Sweyn was the name I had in my head. I didn't realise there were other Brothers too.
  18. You had me smiling twice there CHR. Cracking Post. :rofl:
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