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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Great News about the extended Lease. Well done to the Promotion.
  2. I don't think you or I will ever agree on this whka1 - but it is a pleasure to debate with someone who doesn't resort to personal abuse.
  3. You could say exactly the same about the British Premier League Football - that seems to work. No 'Play Offs' there because the F.A. have some clout and won't be dictated to by SKY. Unlike the BSPA.
  4. Oldace and me liking the same Post - what is the World coming to? :shock:
  5. Put simply - No. Debate - you don't know the meaning of the word. All you seem to do is slag people off for having a different opinion to you. I admitted my guesswork was unscientific. Take a pill and chill out.
  6. Because I just don't think that 889,000 is very impressive when you see all the SKY Dishes outside Houses. It doesn't matter where you go - the Dishes are everywhere - from that I would have expected Viewing Figures to be higher than they are - that is all. Not very scientific - I will give you that.
  7. I don't know how many folk have SKY, so I can't really comment on that.
  8. I am not denying the truth of what you say BW. What I am saying is that the viewing figures aren't great, as was pointed out by ColinMills. We are talking the whole Country here. You may think that is great - but I'm afraid I don't.
  9. ColinMills is right about the viewing figures though. They are not exactly inspiring are they? Your Posting would be much better - and readable without the abuse.
  10. Has he (Lindgren) improved in leaps and bounds over the last three years? Answer: Not a lot. Same question for Worrall and Kerr? Answer: Yes. That is all I am saying............................ I am annoyed RD, basically because the Amateur Psychoanalysts on here try to tell me why I don't go to Speedway, try to tell me that I use platitudes regarding Newcastle Speedway - I don't, and generally resort to what amounts to a personal attack. Resort to personal abuse - and you lose the argument.
  11. You don't usually spout rubbish but on this occasion....................................................... you do. Lindgen is not the reason I stay away from Speedway and I have never said he was. You really need to read Posts properly if you are going to critcise people on here. You obviously haven't got the sense to see that. I don't attend purely because of the Tactical Ride - no other reason whatsoever - that may be trivial to you - but it is not to me. Hell's teeth!! I criticise a Rider who generally underperforms, he may be exciting, but Points win Matches. As Arson has said - Lindgren has been around for a good while now, and, to me, both Steve Worrall and Lewis Kerr have come far further in a much shorter time. I have already said that he has talent - just not as much as thought. Since when was it wrong to criticise, in my opinion justly? As for Tsunami's claim that I use platitudes regarding Newcastle Speedway I would suggest that he also read my Posts properly, or perhaps get his Dictionary out - it might just help.
  12. Dave - I am not making excuses- I feel really strongly about the Tactical Ride. You of all people should know that. I love Speedway - but - I won't compromise my principles and neither will I give up following Newcastle in the Press, on the Internet or on the Television, where I can get angry all on my own (and I do). I do NOT pck over the "bones of Newcastle Speedway" (your Words) - in fact if you check my Posts I think you will find that I have been complimentary to Newcastle Speedway, so, please don't accuse me of attacking Newcastle Speedway as I have not and never will (I hope) do so. An apology - at least for that would be nice. As regards your comments regarding Ludwig Lindgren - it is true I have criticised him, but only because he is one of the biggest disappointments I have had watching Speedway. He seems to have loads of talent but doesn't seem to improve his performances as each Season passes, especially away from Home. Suffice to say that those are my views, and my views only on here - but crucially - there are more than me feel that way at Newcastle. Mr. Lindgren may be a friend of yours but that does not alter either my opinion or the facts. The fact being that he has not come on as much as I thought and hoped he would.
  13. Thanks for pointing that out Dave. I still hope it goes well for them.
  14. Nobody can blame Redcar Speedway for staging this Event - I hope that it is a good and profitable Meeting for them.
  15. People have various reasons for none attndance - mine are well known. People have stopped attending, basically because they are not happy with the product on offer. My problem could be righted in an instance, it won't be I acknowledge that - but - as a matter of principle I have (in my own mind) to make a stance. There are various reasons why people don't go any more, they could be Financal (especially these days) perhaps someone has been upset at the Track, perhaps people are sick (we are all getting older), perhaps folk get fed up when, what is basically a Fifteen Minute Meeting, continues for two and a half hours, perhaps it is something as simple as the Riders trudging out on to the Track during the 'Parade' looking bored and disinterested and not acknowledging the Crowd. As I say, lots of reasons, these are just examples. People have their own priorities when spending their money. At no time have I criticised Newcastle Speedway, to me, they get things as right as they can apart from the length of the Meetings - I have the utmost admiration for George and his fellow Promoters. Promoting Speedway in these tight Financial times must, in some ways, be a thankless task. They do a superb job of, at least, keeping Speedway alive in the City of Newcastle.
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