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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I think this is a major problem throughout Speedway. I reckon there will be money lost at all Tracks on a weekly basis because of of this. It is criminal really in a failing Sport.
  2. Sounds great Aleksandr. But will it be allowed in League Speedway? I couldn't care less about GP Speedway - they can do their own thing if they wish - and are able to afford it.
  4. Nowhere. They are totally irrelevent as far as providing spare Starting Gates is concerned. BSI however - the Promoting Company..............................................................................
  5. Possibly because we are so sad, we have nothing else to do with our lives. :sad:
  6. I don't know for certain who was to blame on that one Humphrey - but a spare Gate should have been available on such a 'prestigeous' occasion. I did, however, think that BSI had overall responsibility for the GPs, ergo it was ultimately their fault.
  7. Pressed 'Like' Button by mistake so I have 'Unliked'. I think they can - should there not have been a spare Starting Gate to cover for unfortunate happenings like the one that occurred? Seems like common sense to me. Fair enough if two had broken down..................
  8. Hopefully the 'powers that be' will have learn't from previous mistakes. At least the Meeting is earlier this year, so that is a start.
  9. Never thought of that Ray. I wish it was British League again. :approve:
  10. Once upon a time............................................................. :unsure:
  11. I knew nothing about that. How disgusting is that - and Speedway calls itself a professional Sport. No the wonder they can't find a Sponsor for British League Speedway. If I had won the Lottery I would maybe have given Sponsorship a thought. After that snippet of information - absolutely no chance.
  12. I would love and hope you to be right. (I take you to mean five figure).
  13. I don't think they will change the 'Ashes' orion. At least I bloody hope not.
  14. Yup!! :approve: Might as well chuck out the League Matches - they count for nothing anyway. Apart from getting in to a Cup Competition. :lol:
  15. Well to me, taking as much as you can out of a Sport and putting nothing back, even in to training your future Riders, seems parasitical in my judgement.
  16. Is there anything at the moment...................................................... Errrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. No.
  17. No it isn't!! It's all about Sport and Fairness - or it should be.
  18. I simply can't make sense of this sentence BW? It is a good job that the "old Speedway Fans" do attend - otherwise you would have nothing to moan about.
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