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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Mine's fine too. Just contact Tony at Retro-Speedway. I am sure he will look after you and sort out your problem.
  2. Aint that the truth!!! You are joking aren't you. :shock: :shock: The Taxman might find out as well.........................................
  3. Thus penalising our better Riders coming through. :sad: Nothing about Double Points I suppose? Aaahhh well - another year in the wilderness. So be it.
  4. It will be interesting to see if anyone challenges them.
  5. Add: 22. Get rid of 'Double Points' and I am with you all the way. Again - some good ideas. Will anyone listen? We live in hope.
  6. Some very good ideas here for the younger element. Doesn't do it for me - but - I have had my time. Perhaps it really is time for the Sport to move in a different direction. As usal a good and well reasoned Post Deano. Are you talking out of your a*se? :shock:
  7. Reason, I suspect, will have little to do with it. The money however............................................... Or - am I a cynic.
  8. I actually agree with you on that SCB. My problem is, and always has been, that for years now the Elite League has been watered down to a point where there is not, if you are totally honest, a great deal of difference between the two Leagues. Yet, it has to be repeated the Elite League get all of the money and most of the coverage. Were all of the GP Riders riding in the Elite League I could possibly accept all of this - but - in the Elite League nowadays almost one third of each Team are National League Riders. As you say in your Post - "people want to see the best" - well, with respect there is no way that Teams containing National League Riders, and by the way, lots of Premier League Riders too can be called the best - because they are not. It doesn't matter how you dress it up, National League Riders and Premier League Riders are not 'the best'. Some of them may well develop in to the best - but at present they are not............ All in all - British Speedway is in a mess and in badly needs sorting out. How they do this now I don't know. One League? Perhaps. Something does, however, need to be done - and done soon. I didn't realise they were that poorly. :shock: :sad:
  9. Yes - Congratulations to all Texters, Updaters and also Sue for providing a great Service for us all on Speedway Updates. Thank you all very much.
  10. Absolutely superb. What a fine young man and credit to his Parents Tai has become.
  11. But it is 'them' (Elite League) who get all the money from SKY. This is surprising because in my opinion the Premier League Meetings on SKY have been usually more exciting than those in the Elite League. Hardly surprising then that it is 'them and us'.
  12. Spot on Oldace. Really sad though isn't it? :sad:
  13. It might force a few Tuners to reduce their Prices too? :shock: :nono:
  14. Only Poole more so - as they had actually won the League Championship already, before the 'Play Offs'. EDIT: ............... and I am a Belle Vue Supporter/Follower.
  15. Hopefully it will do him good and that Belle Vue will benefit. Cook is far too good for the Premier League.
  16. Can I assume that as you haven't replied to my earlier Post in response to your questions that you actually agree with me? I do hope so.
  17. My feelings about BSI are pretty well known on here Oldace. I rue the day that Speedway got itself involved with BSI. To a large extent, their GPs have ruined British Speedway. They don't appear to put much back in to the Sport either. The GPs are their franchise, for want of a better word, no matter who Promotes the GP, be it them or the Polish Authorities/Promotors BSI are ultimately responsible. The whole show is under their banner whether you, or Philip, like it or not. The responsibility for presenting a professional Event is ultimately theirs.
  18. Not just Humphrey Philip. If BSI wants plaudits for things they do well for Speedway (and I can't think of anything) - then they must accept responsibility when things go wrong.
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