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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. I sincerely hope that I am wrong - but I find that profoundly worrying.
  2. Cheers Andy - I will be looking for that. :approve:
  3. I hope everyone will excuse the language but what a bloody good Thread this is. I am learning/have learn't a heck of a lot from it. Special thanks to both gustix for starting the Thread and for his Lists. Thank you too to norbold for his Lists also. By golly there are some memories stirred reading through these names.
  4. Would be good if Ty Proctor returned to Redcar. It has the added advantage that he already knows the place.
  5. He was a thorn in everybody's side methinks sidney. Cracking Thread this by the way. :approve:
  6. Perhaps you think that - but crucially - that is not the way it is. You are what you are - and Tai is British.
  7. ............................ and will sadly not be built at all if the new residents move in and raise objections - the NIMBY Brigade. :sad:
  8. Once more the Newcastle Promotion has come up with the goods. Robert Lambert is a brilliant signing for the 'Diamonds' and I am looking forward to seeing who will complete the Team. Congratulations to the Promotion - they deserve to succeed.
  9. Like all youngsters - he must be given a decent run and not get discarded after a couple of failures. This has happened to far too many British Riders in the past..... I am, of course, talking about all British Speedway Teams and not specifically Redcar.
  10. I believe I have a couple of Copies of 5-1 in the house somewhere.
  11. Nothing wrong with Newcastle Supporters. They even used to let me in (and out again) - and I am a Mackem. Hopefully they will do again when/if I can return.
  12. It pains me to say that I totally agree with you on this.
  13. Bit strong - but I certainly sympathise with the views expressed.
  14. Well Great Britain is the Team who he is riding for and the Country that he rides for in the GPs. He's British in fact - that is all that matters.
  15. :sad: Someone always puts a damper on things. :sad: At least I was happy for a short while - I should have known better really. Of course you are right JL.
  16. You can't say that on a respectable Forum. F in Lindgren. He's not that bad. Only joking RD. :rofl:
  17. :party: I obviously hope that he succeeds. Yes Gemini - I will return to Speedway if it ever happens. Until then though - I stay away. DEFINITELY!!!!! :party:
  18. No tin hat needed for me. A very good Post with which I totally agree. I am though, one of those 'Old Gits' (OAPs) you were talking about.
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