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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Only for the Clubs that make the Play Offs - as far as I am aware they don't share the Play Off money out. Or perhaps I am wrong, at least about that. I am sure that BW and his sidekick 'Penfold' will be happy to put me right.
  2. Well, I for one, am delighted that Matej has signed. Plenty of ambition with the Belle Vue Promotion which is great to see. Up the 'Aces'.
  3. I'm not talking about Fourth or Fifth placed Teames for Pete's sake - I am talking about the true League Champions - if you are too dim to see that - then it is not my fault. I don't give a damn about the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth or any other position - only the right and proper League Champions who have won the League over a Season. As for Fairyland - there are a lot who agree with me about the Play Offs and I'd rather be in Fairyland than Cloud Cuckoo Land like yourself. Oh!! and I am not being stubborn - I am stating what I believe to be right.
  4. There is no logic in having to win the League TWICE in one Season either.
  5. I don't go because of 'Double Points' - so some Supporters may not attend because of the 'Play Offs' - they aren't fair on the Team that has already won the League once - and then have to win it again. The Football Premier League doesn't have Play Offs - I wonder why? I totally agree with your final sentence. Only your final sentence.
  6. Far too harsh. The Thread needs Pinning - hopefully someone will do that soon.
  7. I don't think orion wants to know about that Colin. :rolleyes:
  8. There is not much of this I understand. Couldd you please put it in plain English for me. PLEASE.
  9. My Post was not meant as a criticism of you Steve. Apologies if it sounded that way.
  10. Good question sidney, and I will answer it for him. YES - he would.
  11. You and BW need to ask yourselves - if the Play Off System is so great - then why are people leaving the Sport in droves? I would again mention the fairness of it all too - Sport - Circus more like. Other stupid Rules too. If Speedway was so poor without the Play Offs years ago - how come the Crowds were so much greater? Can you not see a corrolation there? I know I can. However - you keep your heads in the sand and when Speedway is dead you can say it wasn't your fault. :rolleyes:
  12. I know - must be Elite League superiority I suppose. :sad:
  13. I Posted to bunk this back to the top. No chance of pinning this I take it.
  14. Terrific Post Aces51. I agree with all of it. Particularly the highlighted piece.
  15. That may be the case Oldace - but crucially - I am entitled to said opinion.
  16. Is your Broomstick broken like? :rofl: Only kidding Trees.
  17. Only the Supporters of those Teams involved which would be exactly the same in any other Cup Competition. Of course, there are always those Supporters who do not mind seeing their Team win get the League Title by devious methods.
  18. As I said BOBBATH - that is why we were closed down. I'll never forgive Parker and Bridgett for that. They said we closed because of bad weather and low crowds - absolute rubbish. We had a couple of wet Meetings (crucially we never had a Rain Off) and the Meeting before we closed attracted a 6,000 crowd. No - we were closed to strengthen Wolverhampton (another Bridgett Track) and Newcastle got Ken Sharples who was brilliant for them and they won the League in 1964.
  19. I think you are very probably right. It doesn't mean I have to like it though.
  20. I certainly hope that Max does sign for us. I kind of took it for granted................................................... Silly me. :rolleyes:
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