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The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Actually, you are right. I still don't agree with them (Play Offs). I never will.
  2. Exactly. Sort of proves my point, I think. Proves my point even more, if true. Shouldn't they be 100% all of the time. They would have to if the Team that finished the Season top of the League won the League as they should.
  3. And THAT devalues the League Competition itself. The Team that wins the League are the true Champions. The 'Play Off Champions' are just that. Nothing more. By the way, I care, so do many others. Why don't the powers that be have the League Championship as a seperate competition, and perhaps another Competion between the top four Teams in the League as a League Cup competition which would mean you get roughly the same number of Meetings to make up your money. That way, you would not be robbing anybody of their rightfully, hard earned Title over a full Season.
  4. I actually agree with you. But my question was - Is it morally right? I honestly don't believe it is. What you are doing is robbing the Champions to make more money, if the Champions lose, "nobody remembers them" as stated earlier in tthis Thread. That's not right.
  5. Is that morally right though. Team does hard work throughout the Season to finish TOP OF THE LEAGUE at the end of it. Then loses in the Play Offs after two or three Meetings - it doesn't seem right to me.............. Sorry.
  6. Thank you. 'Briggo' - One of my favourite Riders. 👍
  7. I am unable to attend these days. Sorry about that.
  8. To answer your question, read IainB's post above. He is spot on.
  9. I wouldn't argue with that. Bartosz Zmarzlik is a great rider, but crucially, does little to help Speedway outside of Poland. Publicity, Marketing etc.
  10. Terrific watch. Very moving. Most inspiring. Thanks for posting IainB.
  11. WOT!!!! 🤬 Skip the gig. 😠😉
  12. Well, it all seems hopeful. Keeping my fingers crossed for all 'Robins' fans. They deserve their Speedway......................
  13. Sadly, from what I have read on here, you may well be right. For what it's worth, I sincerely hope that the 'Robins' fans will not be let down again.
  14. I don't understand what the heck Casinos have/had to do with Speedway? Or am I missing something?
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