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British Speedway Forum

The White Knight

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Everything posted by The White Knight

  1. Thank you. 'Briggo' - One of my favourite Riders. 👍
  2. I am unable to attend these days. Sorry about that.
  3. To answer your question, read IainB's post above. He is spot on.
  4. I wouldn't argue with that. Bartosz Zmarzlik is a great rider, but crucially, does little to help Speedway outside of Poland. Publicity, Marketing etc.
  5. Terrific watch. Very moving. Most inspiring. Thanks for posting IainB.
  6. WOT!!!! 🤬 Skip the gig. 😠😉
  7. Well, it all seems hopeful. Keeping my fingers crossed for all 'Robins' fans. They deserve their Speedway......................
  8. Sadly, from what I have read on here, you may well be right. For what it's worth, I sincerely hope that the 'Robins' fans will not be let down again.
  9. I don't understand what the heck Casinos have/had to do with Speedway? Or am I missing something?
  10. Welcome to the Forum, and sadly you are dead right.
  11. Fiddle on useless protective clothing for the NHS during the Pandemic allegedly. 🤬 Millions of pounds worth, allegedly. 🤬
  12. If 'Briggo' and Mauger didn't get one, I would say that Harris, great rider though he is, has absolutely NO chance. 'Briggo' and Mauger were in a different league altogether. So, no offence to Chris then, no, I don't think that Chris Harris should "feel the touch of steel upon his shoulders".
  13. If that is what it takes to get a level and FAIR playing field - then YES, I agree with Gambo95.
  14. Thank you. To you and yours also.
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