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Everything posted by June01

  1. Could someone who was at this meeting confirm the result of heat 7 from a programme please?
  2. How many breaks? It's not the first time he's done it. It's like a child testing the boundaries of right and wrong.
  3. Could someone who was at this meeting confirm the result of heat 15 from a programme please?
  4. The headline quotes "worst ever", but the actual quotes say "probably one of the worst newcomers in the premier league" (implying this year). Quite a difference, but not nearly as sensational.
  5. Not exactly in the right place, but while the other thread is temporarily locked it's nice to report a little bit of positive news on Kamil Nowacki who was seriously injured recently. Although it's still early days in his recovery he has been able to go home from the hospital. http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/603732/oficjalnie-kamil-nowacki-wyszedl-ze-szpitala
  6. The latest update is that he has swelling and bleeding on the brain and is in a critical condition, but it seems he's come through the surgery, which is probably the best that can be hoped for right now.
  7. Indeed. There is a video clip on twitter that looks to me like his helmet came off even before he hit the track. Hope for some good news.
  8. Guess that answers my PL/Peterborough question, but given the Friday night statement, would they also have blocked a return to Edinburgh? Wonder if Cookie will now be forced to choose a full time return to the PL in order to earn a living? Feel so sorry for him at the moment. That's the second blow to the family jewels he's had this week alone.
  9. I'd like to know which part "isn't in the best interests of British speedway". Cook riding for Peterborough, or Cook riding in the PL? Would also question if Woffinden's decision not to ride in the British Final, or the sport being run by a group who don't want to allow a British rider to have a place in a British team "is in the best interests of British speedway."
  10. Nicki doesn't look any different in that photo to me. Okay his hair is longer on top, but unless he had something done between that photo and the GP I'm not seeing it.
  11. Close racing, overtaking, more than one racing line, no restarts, and a result that goes down to the wire.
  12. Jonsson £100 more please. Kildemand £100 less. Changed my mind so edited on Friday afternoon.
  13. When Chris Holder is your lowest scorer you know you've got a decent team.
  14. My own take on it is a row between Wolfslake and the FIM as to what is acceptable. Reading between the lines it looks to me like Wolfslake thought they'd met the conditions but the FIM moved the goalposts, or there was some misunderstanding as to what was required. Wolfslake's post after the meeting had been cancelled seemed defiant. Just my opinion though.
  15. What's the situation with Smederna at the moment, ghostie? I see they are asking for support and sponsors. Are they in danger again, or just looking for extra income?
  16. Oh no, Germany have been changing the rules and the format every year for a few years now...and don't get me started on the Danish Finals. The problem with Germany is the lack of information coming out if it. I can't even find the Bundesliga website on Google any more, the German forum isn't covering meetings with as much regularity, and any results you do get seem to clash with others. There are two sites that are particularly bad for getting the wrong results, but I won't name and shame on here. Luckily there are some particularly helpful posters on here.
  17. Hi, sorry to be a pain, but do you know if there has been another rule change? How were Protasiewicz and Smolinski allowed in both heats 13 and 14 when neither team was able to use a tactical ride? Or is there only one nominated heat this year? Edit: Got it sorted now. Heat 13 is any of the riders from 2-6 in terms of points, and heat 14 is nominated.
  18. Remember buying the Kestrel News every week with my pocket money from the guy with the money belt. Bryn something, I think his name was...
  19. Hmm, possibly given that they've changed that since yesterday. I'll check out Baansport, thanks. Edit: how bizarre they've given that source, when it differs from theirs? http://live.baansportfansite.nl/event/143/speedway-bundesliga-ronde-1-wolfslake.html In fact their write up doesn't even match their own result. http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/592771/bundesliga-piotr-protasiewicz-najlepszy-z-polakow Would love a definitive answer please? I know for sure PePe was in heats 13 and 14.
  20. Whose leathers is Andy Galvin wearing in that team photo? They weren't his, I'm almost sure.
  21. Was anyone (Bavarian?) at the Wolfslake meeting who can confirm the result please? I'm convinced the riders are in the wrong order on speedway.org and that PePe was riding at number 1?
  22. Anders Secher wants back in his role as coach, and almost everything is rosy in the Danish speedway world once more.
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